Eldara Dawnrunner - NPCs - WoW: Burning Crusade database
Quick Facts
  • Level: 70
  • Difficulty: Normal
  • Type of creature: Humanoid
  • React: A H
  • Health: 11000
  • Damage: 476 - 510
  • Armor: 7,500

Eldara Dawnrunner

This NPC can be found in Isle of Quel'Danas.
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Isle of Quel'Danas
Isle of Quel'Danas
Isle of Quel'Danas
Isle of Quel'Danas
Isle of Quel'Danas
Isle of Quel'Danas
Isle of Quel'Danas
Isle of Quel'Danas
Isle of Quel'Danas

Dawnforged Defender11570Shield37 92 31
Design: Forceful Seaspray Emerald75Jewelcrafting Design50
Design: Quick Lionseye75Jewelcrafting Design50
Design: Reckless Pyrestone75Jewelcrafting Design50
Design: Steady Seaspray Emerald75Jewelcrafting Design50
Shattered Sun Pendant of Acumen11570Misc. (Armor)23 27 52
Shattered Sun Pendant of Might11570Misc. (Armor)23 27 52
Shattered Sun Pendant of Resolve11570Misc. (Armor)23 27 52
Shattered Sun Pendant of Restoration11570Misc. (Armor)23 27 52
Sunward Crest11570Shield37 78 42
Archmage's Guile11570One-Handed Sword41 81 94
Bombardier's Blade11570Dagger45 90 15
Inuuro's Blade115One-Handed Sword43 79 45
K'iru's Presage11570One-Handed Mace43 63 17
Legionfoe11570Two-Handed Axe54 94 66
Seeker's Gavel11570One-Handed Mace43 46 90
The Sunbreaker11570One-Handed Sword46 6 43
Truestrike Crossbow11570Crossbow33 8 67
Glyph of the Gladiator7070Quest100
Design: Ember Skyfire Diamond74Jewelcrafting Design15
Design: Eternal Earthstorm Diamond74Jewelcrafting Design15
Design: Figurine - Crimson Serpent75Jewelcrafting Design25
Design: Figurine - Empyrean Tortoise75Jewelcrafting Design25
Design: Figurine - Khorium Boar75Jewelcrafting Design25
Design: Figurine - Seaspray Albatross75Jewelcrafting Design25
Design: Figurine - Shadowsong Panther75Jewelcrafting Design25
Design: Regal Nightseye70Jewelcrafting Design12
Formula: Enchant Chest - Defense70Enchanting Formula15
Formula: Void Shatter72Enchanting Formula15
Naaru Ration7565Food & Drink50
Recipe: Assassin's Alchemist Stone70Alchemy Recipe25
Recipe: Guardian's Alchemist Stone70Alchemy Recipe25
Recipe: Redeemer's Alchemist Stone70Alchemy Recipe25
Recipe: Sorcerer's Alchemist Stone70Alchemy Recipe25
Tabard of the Shattered Sun20Misc. (Armor)1