Cabal Executioner (1) - NPCs - WoW: Burning Crusade database
Quick Facts
  • Level: 70 - 71
  • Difficulty: Elite
  • Type of creature: Humanoid
  • React: A H
  • Faction: Monster
  • Health: 35905
  • Loot: 24 33
  • Damage: 3,016 - 4,265
  • Armor: 7,089
  • On kill: +15 Reputation with Lower City until Exalted

Cabal Executioner (1)

Npc Map not available, NPC may be spawned via a script

Mark of Sargeras1Quest45
Netherweave Cloth60Cloth33
Fel ArmamentQuest7
Smoked Talbuk Venison6555Food & Drink6
Purified Draenic Water7565Food & Drink3
Eroded Axe6964One-Handed Axe0.7(1)
Stone Reaper6964Two-Handed Axe0.7(1)
Deteriorating Blade6964One-Handed Sword0.7(1)
Tarnished Claymore6964Two-Handed Sword0.7(1)
Corroded Mace6964One-Handed Mace0.7(1)
The Stoppable Force6964Two-Handed Mace0.7(1)
Sharpened Stilleto6964Dagger0.7(1)
Dense War Staff6964Staff0.7(1)
Rusted Musket6964Gun0.7(1)
Broken Longbow6964Bow0.7(1)
Super Healing Potion6555Potion0.5(7)
Super Mana Potion6855Potion0.5(7)
Scroll of Agility V7060Scroll0.5(7)
Scroll of Intellect V7060Scroll0.5(7)
Scroll of Protection V7060Scroll0.5(7)
Scroll of Spirit V7060Scroll0.5(7)
Scroll of Stamina V7060Scroll0.5(7)
Scroll of Strength V7060Scroll0.5(7)
Flame Spessarite65Orange Gem0.3281
Deep Peridot65Green Gem0.3238
Golden Draenite65Yellow Gem0.3194
Dilapidated Cloth Belt7267Cloth Armor0.2188(2)
Dilapidated Cloth Boots7267Cloth Armor0.2188(2)
Dilapidated Cloth Bracers7267Cloth Armor0.2188(2)
Dilapidated Cloth Gloves7267Cloth Armor0.2188(2)
Dilapidated Cloth Hat7267Cloth Armor0.2188(2)
Dilapidated Cloth Pants7267Cloth Armor0.2188(2)
Dilapidated Cloth Shoulderpads7267Cloth Armor0.2188(2)
Dilapidated Cloth Vest7267Cloth Armor0.2188(2)
Decaying Leather Armor7267Leather Armor0.2188(2)
Decaying Leather Belt7267Leather Armor0.2188(2)
Decaying Leather Boots7267Leather Armor0.2188(2)
Decaying Leather Bracers7267Leather Armor0.2188(2)
Decaying Leather Gloves7267Leather Armor0.2188(2)
Decaying Leather Helmet7267Leather Armor0.2188(2)
Decaying Leather Pants7267Leather Armor0.2188(2)
Decaying Leather Shoulderpads7267Leather Armor0.2188(2)
Corroded Mail Armor7267Mail Armor0.2188(2)
Corroded Mail Belt7267Mail Armor0.2188(2)
Corroded Mail Boots7267Mail Armor0.2188(2)
Corroded Mail Bracers7267Mail Armor0.2188(2)
Corroded Mail Circlet7267Mail Armor0.2188(2)
Corroded Mail Gloves7267Mail Armor0.2188(2)
Corroded Mail Pants7267Mail Armor0.2188(2)
Corroded Mail Shoulderpads7267Mail Armor0.2188(2)