Councilman Hendricks - NPCs - WoW: Burning Crusade database
Quick Facts
  • Level: 13
  • Difficulty: Normal
  • Type of creature: Humanoid
  • React: A H
  • Faction: Monster
  • Health: 270
  • Loot: 67
  • Damage: 9 - 16
  • Armor: 608

Councilman Hendricks

Npc Map not available, NPC may be spawned via a script

Linen Cloth5Cloth42
Dalaran Sharp155Food & Drink6
Ice Cold Milk155Food & Drink4
Minor Mana Potion155Potion2
Scroll of Protection10Scroll1.5
Tigerseye15Simple Gem1.3
Scroll of Intellect155Scroll1.3
Scroll of Spirit10Scroll0.86
Lesser Healing Potion133Potion0.7194
Spellbinder Belt138Cloth Armor0.7194
Simple Shoes127Cloth Armor0.7194
Cadet Gauntlets138Mail Armor0.7194
Cadet Boots138Mail Armor0.64
Spellbinder Bracers149Cloth Armor0.44
Hunting Cloak138Cloth Armor0.44
Simple Cord127Cloth Armor0.44
Malachite7Simple Gem0.22
Scroll of Stamina155Scroll0.22
Pattern: White Leather Jerkin13Leatherworking Pattern0.22
Hunting Boots149Leather Armor0.22
Pattern: Heavy Woolen Cloak20Tailoring Pattern0.22
Spellbinder Cloak138Cloth Armor0.22
Gypsy Bands127Leather Armor0.22
Cadet Bracers127Mail Armor0.22
Recipe: Elixir of Minor Agility12Alchemy Recipe0.16
Spellbinder Boots149Cloth Armor0.16
Calico Shoes138Cloth Armor0.1515(1)
Calico Cloak149Cloth Armor0.1515(1)
Calico Gloves1510Cloth Armor0.1515(1)
Calico Pants116Cloth Armor0.1515(1)
Calico Tunic138Cloth Armor0.1515(1)
Warped Leather Belt149Leather Armor0.1515(1)
Warped Leather Boots1510Leather Armor0.1515(1)
Warped Leather Bracers116Leather Armor0.1515(1)
Warped Cloak127Cloth Armor0.1515(1)
Warped Leather Gloves138Leather Armor0.1515(1)
Warped Leather Pants149Leather Armor0.1515(1)
Warped Leather Vest116Leather Armor0.1515(1)
Heavy Hammer127One-Handed Mace0.1515(1)
Commoner's Sword138One-Handed Sword0.1515(1)
Crude Battle Axe127Two-Handed Axe0.1515(1)
Old Greatsword149Two-Handed Sword0.1515(1)
Rusty Warhammer149Two-Handed Mace0.1515(1)
Rough Wooden Staff127Staff0.1515(1)
Worn Hatchet149One-Handed Axe0.1515(1)
Worn Mail Belt127Mail Armor0.1515(1)
Worn Mail Boots138Mail Armor0.1515(1)
Worn Mail Bracers149Mail Armor0.1515(1)
Worn Cloak1510Cloth Armor0.1515(1)
Worn Mail Gloves116Mail Armor0.1515(1)