G'eras - NPCs - WoW: Burning Crusade database
Quick Facts
  • Level: 72
  • Difficulty: Elite
  • Type of creature: Uncategorized
  • React: A H
  • Faction: The Sha'tar
  • Health: 7300
  • Damage: 200 - 325


This NPC can be found in Shattrath City.
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Shattrath City
Shattrath City
Shattrath City
Shattrath City
Shattrath City
Shattrath City
Shattrath City
Shattrath City
Shattrath City

Achromic Trousers of the Naaru12870Cloth Armor75
Amani Mask of Death12870Plate Armor75
Armwraps of the Kaldorei Protector12870Leather Armor35
Azure-Shield of Coldarra11070Shield33
Band of Halos11070Misc. (Armor)25
Band of the Swift Paw12870Leather Armor35
Battlemaster's Alacrity13370Misc. (Armor)75
Battlemaster's Audacity13370Misc. (Armor)75
Battlemaster's Cruelty13370Misc. (Armor)75
Battlemaster's Depravity13370Misc. (Armor)75
Battlemaster's Determination13370Misc. (Armor)75
Battlemaster's Perseverance13370Misc. (Armor)75
Bishop's Cloak11070Cloth Armor25
Blessed Elunite Coverings12870Leather Armor75
Blood Knight War Cloak11070Cloth Armor25
Bloodlust Brooch11070Misc. (Armor)41
Bloodthirster's Wargreaves12870Plate Armor75
Bonefist Gauntlets12870Plate Armor60
Bracers of the Ancient Phalanx12870Plate Armor35
Brooch of Deftness12870Misc. (Armor)35
Carved Witch Doctor's Stick13270Wand25
Chain of Unleashed Rage12870Plate Armor60
Chestguard of the Stoic Guardian12870Plate Armor75
Choker of Vile Intent11070Misc. (Armor)25
Cloak of Arcane Alacrity13670Cloth Armor60
Cloak of Subjugated Power13670Cloth Armor60
Cloak of Swift Reprieve13670Cloth Armor60
Cowl of Beastly Rage11070Leather Armor50
Cowl of Naaru Blessings11070Cloth Armor50
Dory's Embrace13670Cloth Armor60
Earthquake Bracers12870Mail Armor35
Essence of the Martyr11070Misc. (Armor)41
Eternium Rage-shackles12870Plate Armor35
Everbloom Idol11070Idol15
Faceguard of Determination11070Plate Armor50
Farstrider Defender's Cloak11070Cloth Armor25
Fetish of the Primal Gods12870Misc. (Armor)35
Flametongue Seal11070Misc. (Armor)25
Footwraps of Wild Encroachment12870Leather Armor60
Furious Deathgrips12870Plate Armor60
Gargon's Bracers of Peaceful Slumber12870Leather Armor35
Gauntlets of Sniping12870Mail Armor60
Girdle of the Protector12870Plate Armor60
Gleaming Earthen Bracers12870Mail Armor35
Gnarled Ironwood Pauldrons12870Leather Armor60
Gnomeregan Auto-Blocker 60011070Misc. (Armor)41
Grasp of the Moonkin12870Leather Armor60
Grips of Nature's Wrath12870Mail Armor60
Handguards of the Templar12870Plate Armor60
Hauberk of the Furious Elements12870Mail Armor75