Fedryen Swiftspear - NPCs - WoW: Burning Crusade database
Quick Facts
  • Level: 60
  • Difficulty: Elite
  • Type of creature: Humanoid
  • React: A H
  • Health: 881
  • Damage: 276 - 337

Fedryen Swiftspear

This NPC can be found in Zangarmarsh.
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Ashyen's Gift10570Misc. (Armor)79 1 12
Cenarion War Hippogryph7070Mount2000
Design: The Natural Ward75Jewelcrafting Design12
Earthwarden10070Two-Handed Mace265 68 17
Plans: Wildguard Breastplate75Blacksmithing Plans24
Plans: Wildguard Helm75Blacksmithing Plans24
Plans: Wildguard Leggings75Blacksmithing Plans24
Windcaller's Orb10570Misc. (Armor)79 1 12
Crusader's Ornamented Gloves11570Plate Armor15 1 15
Crusader's Scaled Legguards11570Plate Armor32 2 63
Design: Nightseye Panther74Jewelcrafting Design12
Dragonhide Legguards11570Leather Armor22 54 38
Dreadweave Hood11570Cloth Armor13 9 8
Evoker's Silk Trousers11570Cloth Armor17 32 42
Explorer's Walking Stick9162Staff44 79 82
Formula: Enchant Cloak - Stealth70Enchanting Formula10
Kodohide Robe11570Leather Armor22 38 11
Mooncloth Shoulderpads11570Cloth Armor13 43 13
Opportunist's Leather Helm11570Leather Armor16 23 81
Pattern: Heavy Clefthoof Boots71Leatherworking Pattern14
Pattern: Heavy Clefthoof Leggings71Leatherworking Pattern14
Pattern: Heavy Clefthoof Vest72Leatherworking Pattern16
Preserver's Cudgel9162One-Handed Mace35 97 4
Satin Robe11570Cloth Armor18 29 55
Savage Plate Gauntlets11570Plate Armor15 29 49
Seer's Linked Spaulders11570Mail Armor19 42 53
Seer's Mail Gauntlets11570Mail Armor12 98 92
Seer's Ringmail Legguards11570Mail Armor27 35 61
Stalker's Chain Leggings11570Mail Armor25 20 25
Strength of the Untamed11570Misc. (Armor)17 59 52
Warden's Arrow11568Arrow50
Warden's Hauberk9162Leather Armor18 11 53
Watcher's Cowl11570Cloth Armor12 73 71
Wyrmhide Spaulders11570Leather Armor16 66 37
Formula: Enchant Gloves - Spell Strike72Enchanting Formula8
Glyph of Ferocity7070Quest100
Glyph of Nature Warding7070Quest100
Recipe: Flask of Distilled Wisdom60Alchemy Recipe4
Recipe: Transmute Primal Water to Air70Alchemy Recipe8
Scout's Arrow9761Arrow20
Cenarion Expedition Tabard20Misc. (Armor)1
Expedition Flare6460Consumable80
Pattern: Clefthide Leg Armor67Leatherworking Pattern6
Pattern: Nethercleft Leg Armor73Leatherworking Pattern12
Plans: Adamantite Sharpening Stone70Blacksmithing Plans6
Plans: Adamantite Weightstone70Blacksmithing Plans6
Plans: Greater Rune of Warding70Blacksmithing Plans6
Recipe: Earthen Elixir64Alchemy Recipe4
Recipe: Major Nature Protection Potion72Alchemy Recipe10
Recipe: Transmute Earthstorm Diamond70Alchemy Recipe8