Durnholde Rifleman - NPCs - WoW: Burning Crusade database
Quick Facts
  • Level: 66 - 67
  • Difficulty: Elite
  • Type of creature: Humanoid
  • React: A H
  • Health: 18345
  • Loot: 10 10.5
  • Damage: 405 - 545
  • Armor: 5,892
  • On kill: +8 Reputation with Keepers of Time until Exalted

Durnholde Rifleman

This NPC can be found only in normal mode.
Heroic mode NPC: Durnholde Rifleman.
This NPC can be found in Old Hillsbrad Foothills (20).
Tip: Click map to zoom
Tip: Click map to zoom
Tip: Click map to zoom
Tip: Click map to zoom
Tip: Click map to zoom
Tip: Click map to zoom
Tip: Click map to zoom
Tip: Click map to zoom
Tip: Click map to zoom
Tip: Click map to zoom
Old Hillsbrad Foothills
Old Hillsbrad Foothills
Old Hillsbrad Foothills
Old Hillsbrad Foothills
Old Hillsbrad Foothills
Old Hillsbrad Foothills
Old Hillsbrad Foothills
Old Hillsbrad Foothills
Old Hillsbrad Foothills

Stromgarde Muenster6555Food & Drink5
Pattern: Stylin' Adventure Hat70Leatherworking Pattern2
Gilneas Sparkling Water7565Food & Drink2
Eight of Blessings1Quest0.0004(2)
Five of Blessings1Quest0.0004(2)
Seven of Blessings1Quest0.0004(2)
Six of Blessings1Quest0.0004(2)
Eight of Storms1Quest0.0004(2)
Five of Storms1Quest0.0004(2)
Seven of Storms1Quest0.0004(2)
Six of Storms1Quest0.0004(2)
Eight of Furies1Quest0.0004(2)
Five of Furies1Quest0.0004(2)
Seven of Furies1Quest0.0004(2)
Six of Furies1Quest0.0004(2)
Eight of Lunacy1Quest0.0004(2)
Five of Lunacy1Quest0.0004(2)
Seven of Lunacy1Quest0.0004(2)
Six of Lunacy1Quest0.0004(2)
Formula: Enchant Chest - Greater Stats62Enchanting Formula0.0001(1)
Formula: Enchant Bracer - Restore Mana Prime67Enchanting Formula0.0001(1)
Formula: Enchant Shield - Shield Block68Enchanting Formula0.0001(1)
Formula: Enchant Shield - Resistance72Enchanting Formula0.0001(1)
Formula: Enchant Boots - Vitality61Enchanting Formula0.0001(1)
Formula: Enchant Cloak - Major Resistance66Enchanting Formula0.0001(1)
Formula: Enchant Weapon - Potency70Enchanting Formula0.0001(1)
Formula: Enchant Weapon - Battlemaster72Enchanting Formula0.0001(1)
Formula: Enchant Weapon - Spellsurge72Enchanting Formula0.0001(1)
Recipe: Insane Strength Potion64Alchemy Recipe0.0001(1)
Recipe: Heroic Potion70Alchemy Recipe0.0001(1)
Recipe: Haste Potion70Alchemy Recipe0.0001(1)
Recipe: Elixir of Major Mageblood71Alchemy Recipe0.0001(1)
Recipe: Elixir of Empowerment73Alchemy Recipe0.0001(1)
Plans: Felfury Gauntlets73Blacksmithing Plans0.0001(1)
Plans: Gauntlets of the Iron Tower73Blacksmithing Plans0.0001(1)
Plans: Steelgrip Gauntlets73Blacksmithing Plans0.0001(1)
Plans: Storm Helm73Blacksmithing Plans0.0001(1)
Plans: Oathkeeper's Helm73Blacksmithing Plans0.0001(1)
Plans: Black Felsteel Bracers73Blacksmithing Plans0.0001(1)
Plans: Bracers of the Green Fortress73Blacksmithing Plans0.0001(1)
Plans: Blessed Bracers73Blacksmithing Plans0.0001(1)
Plans: Felsteel Longblade73Blacksmithing Plans0.0001(1)
Plans: Khorium Champion73Blacksmithing Plans0.0001(1)
Plans: Fel Edged Battleaxe73Blacksmithing Plans0.0001(1)
Plans: Felsteel Reaper73Blacksmithing Plans0.0001(1)
Plans: Runic Hammer73Blacksmithing Plans0.0001(1)
Plans: Fel Hardened Maul73Blacksmithing Plans0.0001(1)
Plans: Eternium Runed Blade73Blacksmithing Plans0.0001(1)
Plans: Dirge73Blacksmithing Plans0.0001(1)
Schematic: Ornate Khorium Rifle75Engineering Schematic0.0001(1)