Crimson Templar - NPCs - WoW: Burning Crusade database
Quick Facts
  • Level: 60
  • Difficulty: Normal
  • Type of creature: Elemental
  • React: A H
  • Faction: Monster
  • Health: 4150
  • Damage: 20 - 48
  • On kill: +10 Reputation with Cenarion Circle until Revered

Crimson Templar

Npc Map not available, NPC may be spawned via a script

Abyssal Crest1Quest84
Core of Elements1Quest68
Abyssal Cloth Handwraps6055Cloth Armor13
Abyssal Mail Sabatons6055Mail Armor13
Crystal Tipped Stiletto6055Dagger5
Heart of Fire45Elemental4
Essence of Fire55Elemental4
Elemental Fire25Elemental4
Traveler's Backpack55Bag0.22
Thorium Lockbox55Junk0.1937
Idol of the Moon6560Idol0.1667(5)
Totem of the Storm6560Totem0.1667(5)
Libram of Fervor6560Libram0.1667(5)
Aquamarine45Simple Gem0.0646
Star Ruby50Simple Gem0.0646
Pattern: Frostweave Pants56Tailoring Pattern0.06
Pattern: Heavy Scorpid Belt56Leatherworking Pattern0.06
Earthborn Kilt6055Leather Armor0.05(2)
Maiden's Circle6155Misc. (Armor)0.05(2)
Serathil6156One-Handed Axe0.05(2)
Bludstone Hammer6156One-Handed Mace0.05(2)
Doombringer6055Two-Handed Sword0.05(2)
The Needler6055Polearm0.05(2)
Stonegrip Gauntlets6055Plate Armor0.05(2)
Band of the Hierophant6055Misc. (Armor)0.05(2)
Spaulders of the Unseen6156Leather Armor0.05(2)
Drakesfire Epaulets6156Mail Armor0.05(2)
Scarlet Kris6358Dagger0.05(4)
Sword of Zeal6358One-Handed Sword0.05(4)
Staff of Hale Magefire6257Staff0.05(4)
Mass of McGowan6257One-Handed Mace0.05(4)
Eaglehorn Long Bow6358Bow0.05(4)
Direwing Legguards6358Plate Armor0.05(4)
Garrett Family Crest6257Shield0.05(4)
Magiskull Cuffs6257Cloth Armor0.05(4)
Feathermoon Headdress6358Leather Armor0.05(4)
Dreamwalker Armor6257Mail Armor0.05(4)
Orb of Deception5954Misc. (Armor)0.05(7)
Lapidis Tankard of Tidesippe5954Misc. (Armor)0.05(7)
Lady Alizabeth's Pendant5954Misc. (Armor)0.05(7)
Torch of Austen5853Wand0.05(7)
Mageflame Cloak5853Cloth Armor0.05(7)
Twig of the World Tree5853Two-Handed Mace0.05(7)
Sapphiron's Scale Boots5853Plate Armor0.05(7)
Wolfrunner Shoes5954Cloth Armor0.05(7)
Lordly Armguards5954Mail Armor0.05(7)
Shell Launcher Shotgun5853Gun0.05(7)
Plans: Thorium Leggings60Blacksmithing Plans0.04
Pattern: Runecloth Tunic52Tailoring Pattern0.04
Schematic: Thorium Shells57Engineering Schematic0.04