Arcane Torrent - NPCs - WoW: Burning Crusade database
Quick Facts
  • Level: 59 - 60
  • Difficulty: Elite
  • Type of creature: Elemental
  • React: A H
  • Faction: Elemental
  • Health: 17094
  • Mana: 9736
  • Damage: 164 - 304
  • Armor: 3,075

Arcane Torrent

Npc Map not available, NPC may be spawned via a script

Condensed Mana Fragment1Junk53
Core of Elements1Quest34
Crystallized Mana Shard1Junk26
Wand of Arcane Potency5954Wand1.6
Thorium Lockbox55Junk1.1329
Libram of Rapidity5050Book0.8239
Aquamarine45Simple Gem0.7209
Libram of Focus5050Book0.7209
Libram of Protection5050Book0.6179
Star Ruby50Simple Gem0.52
Book: Gift of the Wild II6060Book0.44
Traveler's Backpack55Bag0.38
Codex: Prayer of Fortitude II6060Book0.32
Tome of Arcane Brilliance5656Book0.12
Plans: Radiant Boots58Blacksmithing Plans0.08
Plans: Radiant Breastplate54Blacksmithing Plans0.06
Plans: Thorium Helm56Blacksmithing Plans0.06
Plans: Radiant Gloves57Blacksmithing Plans0.06
Pattern: Runecloth Headband59Tailoring Pattern0.06
Pattern: Frostweave Gloves53Tailoring Pattern0.04
Pattern: Felcloth Hood58Tailoring Pattern0.04
Pattern: Mooncloth Leggings58Tailoring Pattern0.04
Pattern: Mooncloth Bag60Tailoring Pattern0.04
Pattern: Felcloth Robe61Tailoring Pattern0.04
Pattern: Chimeric Boots55Leatherworking Pattern0.04
Formula: Enchant Boots - Greater Stamina52Enchanting Formula0.04
Formula: Enchant Boots - Greater Agility59Enchanting Formula0.04
Journeyman's Backpack45Bag0.02
Plans: Thorium Belt50Blacksmithing Plans0.02
Plans: Wildthorn Mail54Blacksmithing Plans0.02
Plans: Thorium Boots56Blacksmithing Plans0.02
Plans: Thorium Leggings60Blacksmithing Plans0.02
Plans: Radiant Leggings61Blacksmithing Plans0.02
Recipe: Purification Potion57Alchemy Recipe0.02
Pattern: Frostweave Tunic51Tailoring Pattern0.02
Pattern: Frostweave Robe51Tailoring Pattern0.02
Pattern: Brightcloth Robe54Tailoring Pattern0.02
Pattern: Brightcloth Gloves54Tailoring Pattern0.02
Pattern: Brightcloth Cloak55Tailoring Pattern0.02
Pattern: Frostweave Pants56Tailoring Pattern0.02
Pattern: Runecloth Pants57Tailoring Pattern0.02
Pattern: Felcloth Boots57Tailoring Pattern0.02
Pattern: Runecloth Shoulders61Tailoring Pattern0.02
Pattern: Felcloth Shoulders62Tailoring Pattern0.02
Pattern: Runic Leather Gauntlets54Leatherworking Pattern0.02
Pattern: Runic Leather Belt56Leatherworking Pattern0.02
Pattern: Chimeric Leggings56Leatherworking Pattern0.02
Pattern: Wicked Leather Pants58Leatherworking Pattern0.02
Pattern: Runic Leather Pants60Leatherworking Pattern0.02
Schematic: Thorium Rifle52Engineering Schematic0.02