Stabled Frostwolf - NPCs - WoW: Burning Crusade database
Quick Facts
  • Level: 50 - 51
  • Difficulty: Normal
  • Type of creature: Beast
  • React: A H
  • Health: 3517
  • Damage: 22 - 47

Stabled Frostwolf

Npc Map not available, NPC may be spawned via a script

Frostwolf Hide1Quest100 (Quest)
Tender Wolf Meat40Meat75
Red Wolf Meat30Meat70
Thick Furry Mane1Junk47
Large Trophy Paw1Junk18
Wicked Claw45Other (Trade Goods)8
Reinforced Steel Lockbox45Junk0.5
Elven Spirit Claws5045Leather Armor0.05(2)
Six Demon Bag5146Misc. (Armor)0.05(2)
Cow King's Hide5146Leather Armor0.05(2)
Basilisk Bone5146Misc. (Armor)0.05(2)
Blanchard's Stout5045Two-Handed Mace0.05(2)
Wand of Allistarj5045Wand0.05(2)
Wyrmslayer Spaulders5146Plate Armor0.05(2)
Horizon Choker5146Misc. (Armor)0.05(2)
Elven Chain Boots5045Mail Armor0.05(2)
Imperial Red Boots5247Cloth Armor0.0102(3)
Imperial Red Gloves5247Cloth Armor0.0102(3)
Imperial Red Mantle5247Cloth Armor0.0102(3)
Imperial Red Circlet5348Cloth Armor0.0102(3)
Serpentskin Boots5247Leather Armor0.0102(3)
Serpentskin Gloves5247Leather Armor0.0102(3)
Serpentskin Spaulders5348Leather Armor0.0102(3)
Ebonhold Wristguards5247Mail Armor0.0102(3)
Alabaster Plate Vambraces5348Plate Armor0.0102(3)
Alabaster Plate Gauntlets5348Plate Armor0.0102(3)
Alabaster Plate Girdle5247Plate Armor0.0102(3)
Alabaster Plate Greaves5348Plate Armor0.0102(3)
Abjurer's Robe5348Cloth Armor0.0102(3)
Abjurer's Crystal5348Misc. (Armor)0.0102(3)
Abjurer's Tunic5348Cloth Armor0.0102(3)
Chieftain's Breastplate5348Leather Armor0.0102(3)
Overlord's Shield5247Shield0.0102(3)
Duskwoven Pants5348Cloth Armor0.0102(3)
Righteous Helmet5247Leather Armor0.0102(3)
Righteous Leggings5348Leather Armor0.0102(3)
Lord's Breastplate5348Mail Armor0.0102(3)
Lord's Crest5348Shield0.0102(3)
Lord's Legguards5247Mail Armor0.0102(3)
Lord's Pauldrons5247Mail Armor0.0102(3)
Councillor's Cloak5348Cloth Armor0.0102(3)
Wanderer's Cloak5348Cloth Armor0.0102(3)
Ornate Cloak5348Cloth Armor0.0102(3)
Revenant Leggings5247Plate Armor0.0102(3)
Mystical Bracers5348Cloth Armor0.0102(3)
Mystical Cape5247Cloth Armor0.0102(3)
Mystical Belt5247Cloth Armor0.0102(3)
Swashbuckler's Bracers5247Leather Armor0.0102(3)
Swashbuckler's Gloves5348Leather Armor0.0102(3)