Ivus the Forest Lord - NPCs - WoW: Burning Crusade database
Quick Facts
  • Level: ??
  • Difficulty: Boss
  • Type of creature: Humanoid
  • React: A H
  • Faction: Beast - Wolf
  • Health: 34000
  • Mana: 37290
  • Damage: 185 - 266
  • On kill: +125 Reputation with Frostwolf Clan until Exalted

Ivus the Forest Lord

Npc Map not available, NPC may be spawned via a script

Stormpike Soldier's Blood1Quest100 (Quest)
Stormpike Soldier's Flesh1Quest100 (Quest)
Stormpike Lieutenant's Flesh1Quest100 (Quest)
Stormpike Commander's Flesh1Quest100 (Quest)
Armor Scraps1Quest100 (Quest)
Storm Crystal1Quest100 (Quest)
Frostwolf Soldier's Medal1Quest100 (Quest)
Frostwolf Lieutenant's Medal1Quest100 (Quest)
Tuft of Gnome Hair60Quest100 (Quest)
Human Bone Chip60Quest100 (Quest)
Tauren Hoof60Quest100 (Quest)
Dwarf SpineQuest100 (Quest)
Orc ToothQuest100 (Quest)
Yeti Hide Bracers6358Leather Armor46
Frozen Steel Vambraces6358Plate Armor40
Winteraxe Epaulets6358Mail Armor39
Deep Rooted Ring6358Misc. (Armor)34
Deep Fried Plantains5545Food & Drink12
Morning Glory Dew5545Food & Drink1.66
Major Mana Potion5949Potion0.56
Eternium Lockbox60Junk0.28
Document from Boomstick Imports1Junk0.28
Twill Belt5348Cloth Armor0.1087(3)
Twill Boots5550Cloth Armor0.1087(3)
Twill Bracers5449Cloth Armor0.1087(3)
Twill Cloak5247Cloth Armor0.1087(3)
Twill Gloves5853Cloth Armor0.1087(3)
Twill Pants5954Cloth Armor0.1087(3)
Twill Shoulderpads5651Cloth Armor0.1087(3)
Twill Vest5752Cloth Armor0.1087(3)
Smooth Leather Belt5550Leather Armor0.1087(3)
Smooth Leather Boots5449Leather Armor0.1087(3)
Smooth Leather Bracers5954Leather Armor0.1087(3)
Smooth Cloak5651Cloth Armor0.1087(3)
Smooth Leather Gloves5853Leather Armor0.1087(3)
Smooth Leather Pants5348Leather Armor0.1087(3)
Smooth Leather Shoulderpads5247Leather Armor0.1087(3)
Smooth Leather Armor5752Leather Armor0.1087(3)
Deflecting Tower5348Shield0.1087(3)
Crested Buckler5651Shield0.1087(3)
Laminated Scale Belt5247Mail Armor0.1087(3)
Laminated Scale Boots5348Mail Armor0.1087(3)
Laminated Scale Bracers5853Mail Armor0.1087(3)
Laminated Scale Cloak5752Cloth Armor0.1087(3)
Laminated Scale Gloves5954Mail Armor0.1087(3)
Laminated Scale Pants5651Mail Armor0.1087(3)
Laminated Scale Shoulderpads5550Mail Armor0.1087(3)
Laminated Scale Armor5449Mail Armor0.1087(3)