Grunnda Wolfheart - NPCs - WoW: Burning Crusade database
Quick Facts
  • Level: 70
  • Difficulty: Elite
  • Type of creature: Humanoid
  • React: A H
  • Health: 65420
  • Loot: 13 37.5
  • Damage: 335 - 432
  • Armor: 6,192
  • On kill: +5 Reputation with Stormpike Guard until Honored
    On kill: +5 Reputation with Frostwolf Clan until Honored

Grunnda Wolfheart

This NPC can be found only in normal mode.
Heroic mode NPC: Grunnda Wolfheart.
Npc Map not available, NPC may be spawned via a script

Don Julio's Band6560Misc. (Armor)5,000
Don Rodrigo's Band6560Misc. (Armor)5,000
Horn of the Frostwolf Howler6060Mount50,000
Lei of the Lifegiver6560Misc. (Armor)5,000
The Immovable Object6560Shield5,000
The Lobotomizer6560Dagger5,000
The Unstoppable Force6560Two-Handed Mace5,000
Therazane's Touch6560Misc. (Armor)5,000
Tome of Arcane Domination6560Misc. (Armor)5,000
Tome of Fiery Arcana6560Misc. (Armor)5,000
Tome of Shadow Force6560Misc. (Armor)5,000
Tome of the Ice Lord6560Misc. (Armor)5,000
Frostbite6560One-Handed Axe2,400
Frostwolf Advisor's Cloak6055Cloth Armor1,600
Frostwolf Advisor's Pendant6055Misc. (Armor)1,600
Frostwolf Battle StandardConsumable15,000
Frostwolf Cloth Belt6055Cloth Armor3,000
Frostwolf Leather Belt6055Leather Armor3,000
Frostwolf Legionnaire's Cloak6055Cloth Armor1,600
Frostwolf Legionnaire's Pendant6055Misc. (Armor)1,600
Frostwolf Mail Belt6055Mail Armor3,000
Frostwolf Plate Belt6055Plate Armor3,000
Glacial Blade6560Dagger2,400
Gnoll Skin Bandolier6055Ammo Pouch1,600
Harpy Hide Quiver6055Quiver1,600
Whiteout Staff6560Staff3,000
Ice Threaded Arrow5451Arrow60 1
Ice Threaded Bullet5451Bullet60 1
Alterac Heavy Runecloth Bandage58Bandage80
Alterac Manna Biscuit6051Food & Drink70
Bottled Alterac Spring Water5555Consumable50
Frostwolf Battle Tabard20Misc. (Armor)15,000
Major Healing Draught5545Potion10 8
Major Mana Draught5545Potion10 8
Superior Healing Draught4535Potion5 1
Superior Mana Draught4535Potion5 1