Blighthound - NPCs - WoW: Burning Crusade database
Quick Facts
  • Level: 58 - 59
  • Difficulty: Elite
  • Type of creature: Beast
  • React: A H
  • Faction: Orgrimmar
  • Health: 37000
  • Damage: 253 - 327


This NPC can be found in Eastern Plaguelands (2).
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Eastern Plaguelands
Eastern Plaguelands
Eastern Plaguelands
Eastern Plaguelands
Eastern Plaguelands
Eastern Plaguelands
Eastern Plaguelands
Eastern Plaguelands
Eastern Plaguelands

Tender Wolf Meat40Meat56
Thick Furry Mane1Junk44
Red Wolf Meat30Meat38
Wicked Claw45Other (Trade Goods)12
Large Trophy Paw1Junk3
Thorium Lockbox55Junk3
Aquamarine45Simple Gem0.72
Pattern: Runecloth Shoulders61Tailoring Pattern0.72
Star Ruby50Simple Gem0.48
Golden Sansam52Herb0.24
Pattern: Runic Leather Gauntlets54Leatherworking Pattern0.24
Pattern: Wicked Leather Pants58Leatherworking Pattern0.24
Traveler's Backpack55Bag0.08
Plans: Wildthorn Mail54Blacksmithing Plans0.08
Pattern: Runic Leather Pants60Leatherworking Pattern0.08
Orb of Deception5954Misc. (Armor)0.05(6)
Lapidis Tankard of Tidesippe5954Misc. (Armor)0.05(6)
Lady Alizabeth's Pendant5954Misc. (Armor)0.05(6)
Torch of Austen5853Wand0.05(6)
Mageflame Cloak5853Cloth Armor0.05(6)
Twig of the World Tree5853Two-Handed Mace0.05(6)
Sapphiron's Scale Boots5853Plate Armor0.05(6)
Wolfrunner Shoes5954Cloth Armor0.05(6)
Lordly Armguards5954Mail Armor0.05(6)
Shell Launcher Shotgun5853Gun0.05(6)
Hero's Breastplate6257Mail Armor0.0107(2)
Hero's Buckler6257Shield0.0107(2)
High Councillor's Circlet6257Cloth Armor0.0107(2)
High Councillor's Pants6358Cloth Armor0.0107(2)
High Councillor's Mantle6257Cloth Armor0.0107(2)
Mighty Helmet6257Leather Armor0.0107(2)
Mighty Leggings6358Leather Armor0.0107(2)
Mighty Spaulders6257Leather Armor0.0107(2)
Mercurial Circlet6257Mail Armor0.0107(2)
Mercurial Legguards6358Mail Armor0.0107(2)
Mercurial Pauldrons6257Mail Armor0.0107(2)
Elegant Robes6257Cloth Armor0.0107(2)
Elegant Tunic6257Cloth Armor0.0107(2)
Nightshade Tunic6358Leather Armor0.0107(2)
Nightshade Leggings6257Leather Armor0.0107(2)
Master's Boots6358Cloth Armor0.0107(2)
Master's Bracers6257Cloth Armor0.0107(2)
Master's Hat6358Cloth Armor0.0107(2)
Master's Gloves6358Cloth Armor0.0107(2)
Master's Mantle6358Cloth Armor0.0107(2)
Master's Belt6257Cloth Armor0.0107(2)
Adventurer's Boots6257Leather Armor0.0107(2)
Adventurer's Belt6257Leather Armor0.0107(2)
Adventurer's Gloves6358Leather Armor0.0107(2)
Adventurer's Bandana6358Leather Armor0.0107(2)