Arikara - NPCs - WoW: Burning Crusade database
Quick Facts
  • Level: 28
  • Difficulty: Normal
  • Type of creature: Beast
  • React: A H
  • Faction: Beast - Wolf
  • Health: 1250
  • Damage: 9 - 20


Npc Map not available, NPC may be spawned via a script

Arikara Serpent Skin1Quest100 (Quest)
Light Feather1Reagent26
Brilliant Scale1Junk20
Forked Tongue1Junk13
Delicate Feather25Junk1.1111
Lesser Moonstone30Simple Gem0.202
Heavy Bronze Lockbox25Junk0.101
Jade35Simple Gem0.06
Twisted Sabre2621One-Handed Sword0.05(3)
Double-barreled Shotgun2722Gun0.05(3)
Black Velvet Robes2621Cloth Armor0.05(3)
Dreamsinger Legguards2621Mail Armor0.05(3)
Silver-lined Belt2722Leather Armor0.05(3)
Yorgen Bracers2722Mail Armor0.05(3)
Killmaim2621Two-Handed Axe0.05(3)
Sword of Corruption2722One-Handed Sword0.05(3)
Guardian Blade2621Two-Handed Sword0.05(3)
Large Blue Sack25Bag0.04
Healing Potion2212Potion0.04
Recipe: Minor Magic Resistance Potion22Alchemy Recipe0.04
Plans: Green Iron Shoulders32Blacksmithing Plans0.04
Pattern: Spider Silk Slippers28Tailoring Pattern0.04
Small Pocket Watch1Junk0.04
Formula: Enchant Weapon - Lesser Elemental Slayer35Enchanting Formula0.04
Moss Agate25Simple Gem0.02
Dragonmaw Shortsword2823One-Handed Sword0.0112(4)
Tunnel Pick2924Two-Handed Axe0.0112(4)
Madwolf Bracers2924Leather Armor0.0112(4)
Fingerbone Bracers2823Cloth Armor0.0112(4)
Black Metal Greatsword2924Two-Handed Sword0.0112(4)
Black Metal War Axe2823Two-Handed Axe0.0112(4)
Glowing Leather Bracers2823Leather Armor0.0112(4)
Magician Staff2924Staff0.0112(4)
Cross Dagger2823Dagger0.0112(4)
Humbert's Chestpiece2823Mail Armor0.0112(4)
Barbarian War Axe2823Two-Handed Axe0.0112(4)
Cavalier Two-hander2823Two-Handed Sword0.0112(4)
Flesh Piercer2924Dagger0.0112(4)
Emblazoned Bracers2823Leather Armor0.0112(4)
Glimmering Cloak2823Cloth Armor0.0112(4)
Glimmering Mail Girdle2924Mail Armor0.0112(4)
Humbert's Pants2924Cloth Armor0.0112(4)
Garneg's War Belt2924Mail Armor0.0112(4)
Glimmering Mail Bracers2924Mail Armor0.0112(4)
Silver-thread Gloves2823Cloth Armor0.0112(4)
Silver-thread Amice2924Cloth Armor0.0112(4)
Emblazoned Gloves2924Leather Armor0.0112(4)
Emblazoned Belt2924Leather Armor0.0112(4)
Battleforge Boots2924Mail Armor0.0112(4)