Urok Enforcer - NPCs - WoW: Burning Crusade database
Quick Facts
  • Level: 54 - 55
  • Difficulty: Elite
  • Type of creature: Humanoid
  • React: A H
  • Faction: Monster
  • Health: 13070
  • Damage: 133 - 247
  • Armor: 3,244

Urok Enforcer

Npc Map not available, NPC may be spawned via a script

Morning Glory Dew5545Food & Drink75
Alterac Swiss5545Food & Drink50
Roasted Quail5545Food & Drink50
Heavy Stone25Metal & Stone25
Homemade Cherry Pie5545Food & Drink25
Imperial Red Tunic5651Cloth Armor0.0098(1)
Imperial Red Robe5651Cloth Armor0.0098(1)
Serpentskin Armor5651Leather Armor0.0098(1)
Ebonhold Armor5651Mail Armor0.0098(1)
Ebonhold Leggings5651Mail Armor0.0098(1)
Ebonhold Buckler5651Shield0.0098(1)
Arcane Boots5752Cloth Armor0.0098(1)
Arcane Bands5651Cloth Armor0.0098(1)
Arcane Gloves5752Cloth Armor0.0098(1)
Arcane Sash5651Cloth Armor0.0098(1)
Traveler's Belt5651Leather Armor0.0098(1)
Traveler's Boots5752Leather Armor0.0098(1)
Traveler's Bracers5651Leather Armor0.0098(1)
Traveler's Gloves5752Leather Armor0.0098(1)
Hero's Cape5752Cloth Armor0.0098(1)
Alabaster Breastplate5752Plate Armor0.0098(1)
Alabaster Plate Leggings5651Plate Armor0.0098(1)
Alabaster Shield5752Shield0.0098(1)
Councillor's Boots5651Cloth Armor0.0098(1)
Councillor's Circlet5752Cloth Armor0.0098(1)
Councillor's Shoulders5752Cloth Armor0.0098(1)
Wanderer's Boots5651Leather Armor0.0098(1)
Wanderer's Hat5752Leather Armor0.0098(1)
Wanderer's Shoulders5752Leather Armor0.0098(1)
Ornate Greaves5752Mail Armor0.0098(1)
Ornate Gauntlets5651Mail Armor0.0098(1)
Ornate Circlet5752Mail Armor0.0098(1)
Ornate Legguards5752Mail Armor0.0098(1)
Ornate Pauldrons5651Mail Armor0.0098(1)
Templar Crown5651Plate Armor0.0098(1)
Templar Legplates5752Plate Armor0.0098(1)
Templar Pauldrons5651Plate Armor0.0098(1)
Mystical Leggings5651Cloth Armor0.0098(1)
Swashbuckler's Leggings5651Leather Armor0.0098(1)
Elegant Cloak5752Cloth Armor0.0098(1)
Nightshade Cloak5752Cloth Armor0.0098(1)
Engraved Bracers5651Mail Armor0.0098(1)
Engraved Girdle5752Mail Armor0.0098(1)
Emerald Sabatons5651Plate Armor0.0098(1)
Emerald Gauntlets5752Plate Armor0.0098(1)
Emerald Vambraces5651Plate Armor0.0098(1)
Imbued Plate Girdle5752Plate Armor0.0098(1)
Imbued Plate Vambraces5752Plate Armor0.0098(1)
Swamp Ring5752Misc. (Armor)0.0098(1)
Obsidian Pendant5752Misc. (Armor)0.0098(1)