Ramstein the Gorger - NPCs - WoW: Burning Crusade database
Quick Facts
  • Level: 61
  • Difficulty: Elite
  • Type of creature: Undead
  • React: A H
  • Faction: Monster
  • Health: 28296
  • Loot: 14 90.5
  • Damage: 349 - 620
  • Armor: 4,091
  • On kill: +50 Reputation with Argent Dawn until Exalted

Ramstein the Gorger

Npc Map not available, NPC may be spawned via a script

Frayed Abomination Stitching1Quest100
Corruptor's Scourgestone1Quest100
Head of Ramstein the Gorger1Quest100 (Quest)
Plagued Flesh Sample1Quest80 (Quest)
Slavedriver's Cane6055Staff15(1)
Band of Flesh6055Misc. (Armor)15(1)
Soulstealer Mantle6055Cloth Armor15(1)
Crest of Retribution6055Shield15(1)
Ramstein's Lightning Bolts6055Misc. (Armor)15(1)
Animated Chain Necklace6257Misc. (Armor)15(1)
Gauntlets of Valor5954Plate Armor12(1)
Arcane Armor6156Cloth Armor1.0204(2)
Arcane Leggings6055Cloth Armor1.0204(2)
Arcane Robe6156Cloth Armor1.0204(2)
Traveler's Jerkin6156Leather Armor1.0204(2)
Traveler's Leggings6055Leather Armor1.0204(2)
Hero's Boots6055Mail Armor1.0204(2)
Hero's Band6055Mail Armor1.0204(2)
Hero's Leggings6156Mail Armor1.0204(2)
Hero's Pauldrons6055Mail Armor1.0204(2)
Wanderer's Armor6055Leather Armor1.0204(2)
High Councillor's Bracers6055Cloth Armor1.0204(2)
High Councillor's Boots6156Cloth Armor1.0204(2)
High Councillor's Gloves6156Cloth Armor1.0204(2)
High Councillor's Sash6055Cloth Armor1.0204(2)
Mighty Boots6156Leather Armor1.0204(2)
Mighty Armsplints6055Leather Armor1.0204(2)
Mighty Gauntlets6156Leather Armor1.0204(2)
Mercurial Girdle6156Mail Armor1.0204(2)
Mercurial Greaves6156Mail Armor1.0204(2)
Mercurial Bracers6055Mail Armor1.0204(2)
Mercurial Gauntlets6156Mail Armor1.0204(2)
Elegant Mantle6055Cloth Armor1.0204(2)
Elegant Leggings6156Cloth Armor1.0204(2)
Elegant Circlet6055Cloth Armor1.0204(2)
Nightshade Helmet6156Leather Armor1.0204(2)
Nightshade Spaulders6055Leather Armor1.0204(2)
Engraved Breastplate6055Mail Armor1.0204(2)
Master's Cloak6156Cloth Armor1.0204(2)
Adventurer's Bracers6156Leather Armor1.0204(2)
Adventurer's Cape6055Cloth Armor1.0204(2)
Masterwork Cape6156Cloth Armor1.0204(2)
Emerald Breastplate6055Plate Armor1.0204(2)
Engraved Wall6055Shield1.0204(2)
Imbued Plate Leggings6156Plate Armor1.0204(2)
Commander's Boots6055Plate Armor1.0204(2)
Commander's Helm6156Plate Armor1.0204(2)
Commander's Gauntlets6055Plate Armor1.0204(2)
Commander's Pauldrons6156Plate Armor1.0204(2)
Hyperion Girdle6156Plate Armor1.0204(2)