Flanged Mace - Items - WoW: Burning Crusade database
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Flanged Mace

Flanged Mace
Item Level: 7
Main HandMace
4 - 8 DamageSpeed 2.00
(3.0 damage per second)
Durability 30 / 30
Requires Level: 2

A HHumanoid0.78
Venture Co. Taskmaster7 - 8A HHumanoid0.52
Mine Spider8 - 9A HBeast0.5
Porcine Entourage7A HBeast0.48
Windfury Harpy7 - 8A HHumanoid0.44
Webwood Venomfang7 - 8A HBeast0.4
Surf Crawler7 - 8A HBeast0.4
Armored Scorpid7 - 8A HBeast0.4
Kobold Geomancer7 - 8A HHumanoid0.38
Frostmane Troll7 - 8A HHumanoid0.38
Palemane Poacher7 - 8A HHumanoid0.38
Kolkar Outrunner7 - 8A HHumanoid0.38
Durotar Tiger7 - 8A HBeast0.38
Hungering Dead7 - 8A HUndead0.36
Vicious Grell7A HDemon0.36
Dustwind Harpy7 - 8A HHumanoid0.36
Cursed Darkhound7 - 8A HDemon0.34
Prairie Stalker7 - 8A HBeast0.34
Winter Wolf7 - 8A HBeast0.32
Scarlet Missionary7 - 8A HHumanoid0.32
Rot Hide Mongrel7 - 8A HUndead0.32
Gnarlpine Shaman7 - 8A HHumanoid0.32
Gnarlpine Defender7 - 8A HHumanoid0.32
Timberling Bark Ripper7 - 8A HElemental0.32
Razormane Scout7 - 8A HHumanoid0.32
Ruklar the Trapper8A HHumanoid0.3
Ice Claw Bear7 - 8A HBeast0.3
Darkeye Bonecaster7 - 8A HUndead0.3
Lost Soul6 - 7
A HUndead0.3
Strigid Screecher7 - 8A HBeast0.3
Nightsaber Stalker7 - 8A HBeast0.3
Agal8A HHumanoid0.3
Kodo Calf7 - 8A HBeast0.3
Flatland Cougar7 - 8A HBeast0.3
Bloodtalon Taillasher6 - 8A HBeast0.3
Infected Nightstalker Runt7 - 8A HBeast0.3
Rockhide Boar7 - 8A HBeast0.28
Elder Crag Boar7 - 8A HBeast0.28
Snow Tracker Wolf6 - 7A HBeast0.28
Scarlet Bodyguard8A HHumanoid0.28
Swoop7 - 9A HBeast0.28
Bael'dun Digger7 - 8A HHumanoid0.28
Razormane Quilboar6 - 7A HHumanoid0.28
Dustwind Pillager7 - 8A HHumanoid0.28
Gnarlpine Warrior6 - 7A HHumanoid0.26
Dire Mottled Boar6 - 7A HBeast0.26
Rattlecage Soldier6 - 7A HUndead0.24
Tirisfal Farmer6 - 7A HHumanoid0.24
Palemane Skinner6 - 7A HHumanoid0.24
Kolkar Drudge6 - 7A HHumanoid0.24
Greater Duskbat6 - 7A HBeast0.22
Rot Hide Graverobber6 - 7A HUndead0.22
Lord Melenas8A HDemon0.22
Makrura Clacker6 - 7A HHumanoid0.22
Kul Tiras Marine6 - 7A HHumanoid0.22
Snow Leopard7 - 8A HBeast0.202
Murloc6 - 7A HHumanoid0.2
Ravaged Corpse6 - 7A HUndead0.2
Scarlet Warrior6 - 7A HHumanoid0.2
Webwood Silkspinner8 - 9A HBeast0.2
Makrura Shellhide6 - 7A HHumanoid0.2
Makrura Snapclaw8 - 9A HHumanoid0.2
Bloodtalon Scythemaw8 - 10A HBeast0.2
Ferocitas the Dream Eater8A HHumanoid0.2
Gray Forest Wolf7 - 8A HBeast0.181
Springpaw Stalker6 - 7A HBeast0.181
Large Crag Boar6 - 7A HBeast0.18
Wendigo6 - 7A HHumanoid0.18
Rot Hide Gnoll6 - 7A HUndead0.18
Dark Sprite6 - 7A HDemon0.18
Gnarlpine Ambusher6 - 7A HHumanoid0.18
Adult Plainstrider6 - 7A HBeast0.18
Venture Co. Laborer6 - 7A HHumanoid0.18
Lieutenant Benedict8A HHumanoid0.18
Gnarlpine Mystic6 - 7A HHumanoid0.18
Murloc Streamrunner6 - 7A HHumanoid0.16
Vile Fin Puddlejumper7 - 8A HHumanoid0.16
Fury Shelda8
A HHumanoid0.16
Riverpaw Runt8 - 9A HHumanoid0.14
Defias Bandit8 - 9A HHumanoid0.14
Cracked Skull Soldier8 - 9A HUndead0.14
Shambling Horror8 - 9A HUndead0.14
Timberling Trampler8 - 9A HElemental0.14
Galak Centaur8 - 9A HHumanoid0.14
Venture Co. Worker8 - 9A HHumanoid0.14
Bael'dun Appraiser8 - 9A HHumanoid0.14
Burning Blade Thug8 - 9A HHumanoid0.14
Voodoo Troll8 - 9A HHumanoid0.14
Hexed Troll8 - 9A HHumanoid0.14
Goldtooth8A HHumanoid0.13
Elder Springpaw8 - 9A HBeast0.13
Skittering Crawler6 - 7A HBeast0.13
Venture Co. Saboteur6 - 7A HHumanoid0.13
Erlan Drudgemoor8A HHumanoid0.12
Frostmane Snowstrider8 - 9A HHumanoid0.12
Frostmane Headhunter8 - 9A HHumanoid0.12
Scarlet Zealot8 - 9A HHumanoid0.12
Gnarlpine Augur8 - 9A HHumanoid0.12
Elder Mottled Boar8 - 9A HBeast0.12
Minion of Sethir8 - 10A HHumanoid0.12