Antique Chest - Items - WoW: Burning Crusade database
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Antique Chest

Antique Chest
Item Level: 1

"This chest contains extremely rare mounts, tabards, companions and gadgets which are usually unobtainable within the game. Chest can be unlocked by Antique Key. More info:"

Paper Flying Machine Kit1Junk5(1)
Panda Collar20Junk5(1)
Blue Murloc Egg20Junk5(1)
Pink Murloc Egg20Junk5(1)
Hippogryph Hatchling1Junk5(1)
Netherwhelp's Collar20Junk5(1)
Lurky's Egg1Junk5(1)
Banana Charm1Junk5(1)
Egbert's Egg20Junk5(1)
Elekk Training Collar20Junk5(1)
Goblin Gumbo Kettle1Consumable5(1)
Rocket Chicken1Pet5(1)
Sleepy Willy20Junk3(1)
Whistle of the Mottled Red Raptor6060Junk2(1)
Horn of the Red Wolf6060Junk2(1)
Horn of the Arctic Wolf6060Junk2(1)
White Stallion Bridle6060Junk2(1)
Palomino Bridle6060Junk2(1)
Black Ram6060Junk2(1)
Frost Ram6060Junk2(1)
Green Kodo6060Junk2(1)
Teal Kodo6060Junk2(1)
Zergling Leash20Junk1.8542(1)
Picnic Basket1Junk1.1589(1)
Romantic Picnic Basket1Junk1.1589(1)
Tabard of Nature1Misc. (Armor)1.1589(1)
Tabard of the Arcane1Misc. (Armor)1.1589(1)
Tabard of the Void1Misc. (Armor)1.1589(1)
Tabard of Brilliance1Misc. (Armor)1.1589(1)
Tabard of Fury1Misc. (Armor)1.1589(1)
Tabard of the Defender1Misc. (Armor)1.1589(1)
Murloc Costume1Consumable1.0301(1)
Tyrael's Hilt20Junk0.9271(1)
Diablo Stone20Junk0.8428(1)
Arathor Battle Tabard20Misc. (Armor)0.7726(1)
Carved Ogre Idol1Misc. (Armor)0.7726(1)
Papa Hummel's Old-Fashioned Pet BiscuitConsumable0.7131(1)
Tabard of Flame1Misc. (Armor)0.5298(1)
Tabard of Frost1Misc. (Armor)0.5298(1)
Tabard of Stormwind1Misc. (Armor)0.4635(1)
Reins of the Nightsaber6060Junk0.309(1)
Battle Tabard of the Defilers20Misc. (Armor)0.2649(1)
X-51 Nether-Rocket X-TREME7070Mount0.2472(1)
Whistle of the Ivory Raptor6060Junk0.244(1)
Reins of the Frostsaber6060Junk0.2318(1)
Tabard of the Argent Dawn60Misc. (Armor)0.2318(1)
Swift Zhevra6060Mount0.206(1)
Dragon Kite1Pet0.1854(1)
Fishing Chair1Junk0.1686(1)