Plans: Iron Shield Spike - Items - WoW: Burning Crusade database
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  • Sells for: 4 50
  • expendable (Learning)
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Plans: Iron Shield Spike

Plans: Iron Shield Spike
Item Level: 30

Requires Blacksmithing (150)
Use: Teaches you how to make an Iron Shield Spike.

Sentinel Amarassan27
Rare Elite
A HHumanoid0.5
Dark Iron Demolitionist30 - 31A HHumanoid0.1
Dark Iron Rifleman27 - 28A HHumanoid0.1
Salma Saldean20A HHumanoid0.0656
Blackrock Hunter23 - 24A HHumanoid0.06
Razorfen Groundshaker25 - 26
A HHumanoid0.06
Snapping Crustacean22 - 23
A HBeast0.06
Dark Iron Tunneler29 - 30A HHumanoid0.04
Venture Co. Mechanic34 - 35A HHumanoid0.04
Farmer Getz24A HHumanoid0.04
Dark Iron Supplier31 - 32A HHumanoid0.04
Isha Awak27A HBeast0.04
Elder Shadowhorn Stag26 - 27A HBeast0.04
Shadowfang Glutton19
A HHumanoid0.04
Venture Co. Engineer20 - 21A HHumanoid0.04
Windshear Overlord21 - 22A HHumanoid0.04
Cenarion Druid26 - 27A HHumanoid0.04
Scarlet Preserver29 - 30A HHumanoid0.04
Scarlet Scout29 - 30A HHumanoid0.04
Razorfen Warden25
A HHumanoid0.04
Rok'Alim the Pounder30A HElemental0.04
Death's Head Acolyte25 - 26
A HHumanoid0.04
Death's Head Adept25 - 26
A HHumanoid0.04
Razorfen Dustweaver25 - 26
A HHumanoid0.04
Blackfathom Oracle21A HHumanoid0.04
Twilight Elementalist23
A HHumanoid0.04
Murkshallow Snapclaw22
A HHumanoid0.04
Caverndeep Ambusher25 - 27A HHumanoid0.04
Caverndeep Reaver27 - 28
A HHumanoid0.04
Irradiated Horror28 - 29
A HElemental0.04
Withered Warrior34 - 35
A HUndead0.04
Galak Flame Guard30A HHumanoid0.04
Swirling Vortex33 - 34A HElemental0.04
Whirlwind Ripper32 - 34A HElemental0.04
Shadumbra28A HBeast0.04
Wrathtail Sea Witch19 - 20A HHumanoid0.0323
Aku'mai Servant23
A HElemental0.03
Lake Thresher25
A HBeast0.03
Flesh Eater24 - 25A HUndead0.02
Skeletal Warrior21 - 22A HUndead0.02
Skeletal Horror23 - 24A HUndead0.02
Skeletal Mage22 - 23A HUndead0.02
Nightbane Dark Runner28 - 29A HHumanoid0.02
Nightbane Vile Fang29 - 30A HHumanoid0.02
Bone Chewer26 - 27A HUndead0.02
Splinter Fist Warrior29 - 30A HHumanoid0.02
Defias Night Runner24 - 25A HHumanoid0.02
Venom Web Spider19 - 20A HBeast0.02
Shadowhide Darkweaver25 - 26A HHumanoid0.02
Shadowhide Slayer25 - 26A HHumanoid0.02
Shadowhide Brute23 - 24A HHumanoid0.02
Shadowhide Gnoll22 - 23A HHumanoid0.02
Rabid Shadowhide Gnoll21 - 22A HHumanoid0.02
Blackrock Champion24 - 25A HHumanoid0.02
Blackrock Shadowcaster22 - 23A HHumanoid0.02
Redridge Alpha19 - 20A HHumanoid0.02
Blackrock Outrunner20 - 21A HHumanoid0.02
Skeletal Fiend24 - 25A HUndead0.02
Nightbane Shadow Weaver27 - 28A HHumanoid0.02
Rabid Dire Wolf20 - 21A HBeast0.02
Shadowhide Warrior24 - 25A HHumanoid0.02
Brain Eater28 - 29A HUndead0.02
Shadowhide Assassin23 - 24A HHumanoid0.02
Bloodscalp Warrior33 - 34A HHumanoid0.02
Bloodscalp Scout34 - 35A HHumanoid0.02
Bloodscalp Hunter34 - 35A HHumanoid0.02
Plague Spreader27 - 28A HUndead0.02
Blackrock Tracker23 - 24A HHumanoid0.02
Black Ravager24 - 25A HBeast0.02
Young Stranglethorn Tiger30 - 31A HBeast0.02
Stranglethorn Tiger32 - 33A HBeast0.02
Young Panther30 - 31A HBeast0.02
Lashtail Raptor35 - 36A HBeast0.02
Crystal Spine Basilisk34 - 35A HBeast0.02
Bloodscalp Axe Thrower33 - 34A HHumanoid0.02
Bloodscalp Shaman33 - 34A HHumanoid0.02
Bloodscalp Mystic34 - 35A HHumanoid0.02
Panther32 - 33A HBeast0.02
Adolescent Whelp34 - 35A HDragonkin0.02
Dreaming Whelp35 - 36A HDragonkin0.02
Skeletal Warder28 - 29A HUndead0.02
Servant of Ilgalar24 - 25A HDemon0.02
Splinter Fist Ogre25 - 26A HHumanoid0.02
Splinter Fist Taskmaster27 - 28A HHumanoid0.02
Nightbane Worgen26 - 27A HHumanoid0.02
Defias Night Blade25 - 26A HHumanoid0.02
Defias Enchanter26 - 27A HHumanoid0.02
Nightbane Tainted One30 - 31A HHumanoid0.02
Young Black Ravager23 - 24A HBeast0.02
Black Widow Hatchling24 - 25A HBeast0.02
Kurzen Commando34 - 35A HHumanoid0.02
Kurzen Headshrinker34 - 35A HHumanoid0.02
Rotted One25 - 26A HUndead0.02
Carrion Recluse25 - 26A HBeast0.02
Mosshide Gnoll20 - 21A HHumanoid0.02
Mosshide Mongrel21 - 22A HHumanoid0.02
Mosshide Fenrunner22 - 23A HHumanoid0.02
Mosshide Trapper23 - 24A HHumanoid0.02
Highland Razormaw27 - 28A HBeast0.02
Elder Razormaw29A HBeast0.02