Moon Harvest Pumpkin - Items - WoW: Burning Crusade database
Quick Facts
  • Buy for: 20
  • Sells for: 1
  • expendable (Food)
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Moon Harvest Pumpkin

Moon Harvest Pumpkin
Item Level: 45

Requires Level: 35
Use: Restores 1392 health over 30 sec. Must remain seated while eating. (Cooldown: 1 sec)

Succubus Minion40A HDemon33
Witherbark Felhunter45 - 46A HDemon29
Riding Wolf (Winter)1A HBeast18
Timbermaw Pathfinder46 - 47A HHumanoid6
Highlord Mastrogonde51
Rare Elite
A HHumanoid6
Broken Tooth37
A HBeast5
Twilight Dark Shaman43 - 44A HHumanoid5
Highvale Ranger46 - 47A HHumanoid5
Deadwood Warrior48 - 49A HHumanoid5
Highvale Scout44 - 45A HHumanoid5
Deadwood Pathfinder49 - 50A HHumanoid5
Highvale Outrunner43 - 44A HHumanoid5
Highvale Marksman45 - 46A HHumanoid5
Celebrian Dryad45
A HHumanoid5
Twilight Geomancer44 - 45A HHumanoid5
Timbermaw Totemic48 - 49A HHumanoid5
Timbermaw Shaman50 - 51A HHumanoid5
Deadwood Gardener48 - 49A HHumanoid5
Sister of Celebrian45
A HHumanoid5
Timbermaw Den Watcher49 - 50A HHumanoid4
Twilight Fire Guard44 - 46A HHumanoid4
Timbermaw Warrior47 - 48A HHumanoid4
Jalinde Summerdrake49
A HHumanoid3
Rigglefuzz37A HHumanoid1.1
Delmanis the Hated17A HDemon0.8327
Raene Wolfrunner60
A HHumanoid0.8327
Volcor19A HHumanoid0.8327
Terenthis15A HHumanoid0.8327
Sentinel Selarin20A HHumanoid0.8327
Grimclaw13A HBeast0.8327
Slave Master Blackheart50
A HHumanoid0.2
Dark Iron Sentry48
A HHumanoid0.2
Ana'thek the Cruel45A HHumanoid0.16
Grol the Destroyer58
A HDemon0.16
Archmage Allistarj58
A HDemon0.16
Zanzil the Outcast46A HHumanoid0.1
Dustbelcher Lord44 - 45A HHumanoid0.1
Stinglasher47A HUncategorized0.1
Mosh'Ogg Shaman43 - 44A HHumanoid0.08
Mosh'Ogg Spellcrafter43 - 44A HHumanoid0.08
Mai'Zoth45A HHumanoid0.08
Green Sludge46 - 47A HUncategorized0.08
Refuge Pointe Defender41 - 45A HHumanoid0.08
Putridus Trickster43
A HDemon0.08
Jade Ooze47 - 48A HUncategorized0.06
Dreadmaul Ogre46 - 47A HHumanoid0.06
Dreadmaul Brute46 - 47A HHumanoid0.06
Morta'gya the Keeper50A HHumanoid0.06
Skullsplitter Berserker43 - 44A HHumanoid0.04
Zanzil Zombie43 - 44A HUndead0.04
Vilebranch Shadowcaster47 - 48A HHumanoid0.04
Vilebranch Blood Drinker49 - 50A HHumanoid0.04
Vilebranch Soul Eater49 - 50A HHumanoid0.04
Witherbark Caller45 - 46A HHumanoid0.04
Centipaar Tunneler47 - 48A HUncategorized0.04
Dreadmaul Ogre Mage46 - 47A HHumanoid0.04
Earthen Sculptor38 - 39A HHumanoid0.04
Cleft Scorpid36A HBeast0.04
Mosh'Ogg Lord45A HHumanoid0.03
Venture Co. Foreman42A HHumanoid0.02
Venture Co. Surveyor41 - 42A HHumanoid0.02
Jungle Stalker40 - 41A HBeast0.02
Marsh Murloc44 - 45A HHumanoid0.02
Marsh Inkspewer42 - 43A HHumanoid0.02
Marsh Flesheater43 - 44A HHumanoid0.02
Marsh Oracle44 - 45A HHumanoid0.02
Skullsplitter Headhunter43 - 44A HHumanoid0.02
Skullsplitter Scout41 - 42A HHumanoid0.02
Monstrous Crawler43 - 44A HBeast0.02
Zanzil Hunter43 - 44A HUndead0.02
Zanzil Witch Doctor44A HHumanoid0.02
Bloodsail Raider40 - 41A HHumanoid0.02
Bloodsail Mage40 - 41A HHumanoid0.02
Bloodsail Swashbuckler40 - 41A HHumanoid0.02
Bloodsail Warlock40 - 41A HHumanoid0.02
Bloodsail Sea Dog41 - 42A HHumanoid0.02
Naga Explorer43 - 44A HHumanoid0.02
Southern Sand Crawler40 - 41A HBeast0.02
Vilebranch Witch Doctor46 - 47A HHumanoid0.02
Vilebranch Headhunter46 - 47A HHumanoid0.02
Vilebranch Berserker47 - 48A HHumanoid0.02
Vilebranch Hideskinner48 - 49A HHumanoid0.02
Vilebranch Aman'zasi Guard50 - 51A HHumanoid0.02
Witherbark Scalper40 - 41A HHumanoid0.02
Witherbark Zealot41 - 42A HHumanoid0.02
Witherbark Hideskinner42 - 43A HHumanoid0.02
Witherbark Venomblood43A HHumanoid0.02
Witherbark Sadist44 - 45A HHumanoid0.02
Vilebranch Wolf Pup46 - 47A HBeast0.02
Dustbelcher Ogre Mage43 - 44A HHumanoid0.02
Scorched Guardian43 - 45
A HDragonkin0.02
Greater Rock Elemental42 - 44A HElemental0.02
Silvermane Wolf43 - 44A HBeast0.02
Silvermane Stalker47 - 48A HBeast0.02
Vilebranch Warrior45 - 46A HHumanoid0.02
Vilebranch Scalper46 - 47A HHumanoid0.02
Vilebranch Soothsayer46 - 47A HHumanoid0.02
Bloodsail Deckhand41 - 42A HHumanoid0.02
Bloodsail Swabby40 - 41A HHumanoid0.02
Feral Scar Yeti43 - 44A HHumanoid0.02