Ancestral Boots - Items - WoW: Burning Crusade database
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Ancestral Boots

Ancestral Boots
Item Level: 11
Armor: 14
Durability 25 / 25
Requires Level: 6

Death Flayer11
A HBeast0.66
Corrupted Dreadmaw Crocolisk11 - 12A HBeast0.5952
Sister Hatelash11
Rare Elite
A HHumanoid0.5848
Lady Sathrah12A HBeast0.5848
Makasgar12A HHumanoid0.58
Felweaver Scornn11
Rare Elite
A HHumanoid0.41
Kodo Bull10 - 11A HBeast0.3425
Shade of Elura11A HUndead0.32
Moonstalker Runt16 - 17A HBeast0.2828
A HBeast0.28
Greymist Raider11 - 12A HHumanoid0.2637
Kodo Matriarch11 - 12A HBeast0.26
Young Reef Crawler10 - 11A HBeast0.24
Spindleweb Spider10 - 11A HBeast0.2149
Oakenscowl9A HElemental0.2
Rageclaw10A HHumanoid0.2
Feral Nightsaber10 - 11A HBeast0.191
Burning Blade Acolyte11 - 12A HHumanoid0.1891
Burning Blade Cultist10 - 11A HHumanoid0.18
The Rake10
A HBeast0.18
Ursal the Mauler12A HHumanoid0.1733
Captain Flat Tusk11
Rare Elite
A HHumanoid0.17
Thistle Bear11 - 12A HBeast0.1698
Corrupted Mottled Boar10 - 11A HBeast0.1626
Windfury Matriarch10 - 11A HHumanoid0.1624
Lunaclaw12A HHumanoid0.16
Brown Bear9 - 10A HBeast0.16
Savannah Huntress11 - 12A HBeast0.1494
Razormane Thornweaver10 - 11A HHumanoid0.1448
Giant Webwood Spider10 - 11A HBeast0.14
Gnarlpine Totemic10 - 11A HHumanoid0.14
Bloodfeather Wind Witch9 - 10A HHumanoid0.14
Bloodfeather Matriarch11A HHumanoid0.14
Enforcer Emilgund11
A HHumanoid0.14
A HHumanoid0.14
Blacksilt Scout12 - 13A HHumanoid0.1335
Razormane Hunter11 - 12A HHumanoid0.1312
Sunscale Lashtail11 - 13A HBeast0.126
Dreadmaw Crocolisk9 - 11A HBeast0.1234
Greater Plainstrider11 - 12A HBeast0.1224
Encrusted Surf Crawler9 - 10A HBeast0.12
Pygmy Tide Crawler9 - 10A HBeast0.1188
Foreststrider Fledgling11 - 13A HBeast0.1142
Cursed Highborne10 - 11A HUndead0.1099
Nightstalker8 - 9A HBeast0.1075
Prairie Wolf Alpha9 - 10A HBeast0.1073
The Kurken12A HBeast0.1071
Thunder Lizard9 - 10A HBeast0.1051
Gnarlpine Avenger9 - 10A HHumanoid0.1043
Writhing Highborne11 - 12A HUndead0.1026
Burning Blade Apprentice10 - 11A HHumanoid0.1015
Tide Crawler12 - 14A HBeast0.1
Arra'chea11A HBeast0.1
Geolord Mottle9
A HHumanoid0.1
Cruelfin12A HHumanoid0.0976
Wild Grell11 - 12A HHumanoid0.0962
Bloodmyst Hatchling10 - 11A HBeast0.0955
Blackwood Pathfinder12 - 13A HHumanoid0.0919
Elder Timberling10 - 11A HElemental0.0886
Dustwind Storm Witch10 - 11A HHumanoid0.0883
Bristlelimb Shaman10 - 11A HHumanoid0.0842
Dustwind Savage9 - 10A HHumanoid0.0829
Ravager Specimen9 - 10A HBeast0.0806
Burning Blade Neophyte9 - 10A HHumanoid0.0805
Venture Co. Supervisor9 - 10A HHumanoid0.0804
Greenpaw10A HHumanoid0.08
Bloodfeather Fury9 - 10A HHumanoid0.08
Taloned Swoop8 - 10A HBeast0.08
Fizzle Darkstorm12A HHumanoid0.08
Corrupted Scorpid10 - 11A HBeast0.08
Corrupted Bloodtalon Scythemaw10 - 11A HBeast0.08
Sethir the Ancient12A HHumanoid0.08
Young Moonkin11 - 12A HHumanoid0.0795
Vile Sprite10 - 11A HHumanoid0.0791
Bristleback Interloper9 - 10A HHumanoid0.0748
Gnarlpine Pathfinder9 - 10A HHumanoid0.0739
Elder Plainstrider8 - 9A HBeast0.0739
Bael'dun Appraiser8 - 9A HHumanoid0.0711
Makrura Snapclaw8 - 9A HHumanoid0.07
Lightning Hide10 - 11A HBeast0.0699
Fleeting Plainstrider12 - 13A HBeast0.0687
Deranged Owlbeast8 - 9A HHumanoid0.0672
Bristlelimb Warrior10 - 11A HHumanoid0.0647
Zalazane10A HHumanoid0.0646
Gamon12A HHumanoid0.0614
Raving Owlbeast9 - 10A HHumanoid0.0601
Strigid Hunter8 - 9A HBeast0.06
A HBeast0.06
Thistle Cub11 - 12A HBeast0.06
Webwood Silkspinner8 - 9A HBeast0.0599
Elder Mottled Boar8 - 9A HBeast0.0594
Timberling Trampler8 - 9A HElemental0.0568
Bloodtalon Scythemaw8 - 10A HBeast0.0548
Withered Green Keeper9 - 10A HElemental0.0509
Venomtail Scorpid9 - 10A HBeast0.0489
Nazzivus Felsworn12 - 14A HDemon0.0486
Windfury Sorceress9 - 10A HHumanoid0.0483
Nazzivus Satyr12 - 13A HDemon0.0476
Wailing Highborne12 - 13A HUndead0.0475
Deth'ryll Satyr12 - 13A HHumanoid0.0468