Helm of Narv - Items - WoW: Burning Crusade database
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  • Disenchantable (200)
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Helm of Narv

Helm of Narv
Item Level: 59

Binds when equipped
Armor: 353
+13 Agility
+18 Spirit
+32 Stamina
Durability 85 / 85
Requires Level: 54

Red Wyrmkin58 - 59
A HDragonkin0.025
Skeletal Warlord56 - 57A HUndead0.025
Skeletal Acolyte55 - 56A HUndead0.025
Soulless Ghoul54 - 55A HUndead0.025
Searing Ghoul55 - 56A HUndead0.025
Freezing Ghoul55 - 56A HUndead0.025
Hungering Wraith56 - 58A HUndead0.025
Wailing Death56 - 57A HUndead0.025
Decaying Horror56 - 57A HElemental0.025
Scarlet Sentinel55 - 56A HHumanoid0.025
Scarlet Paladin55 - 56A HHumanoid0.025
Scarlet Cavalier57 - 58
A HHumanoid0.025
High Protector Tarsen59A HHumanoid0.025
Scarlet Worker55 - 57A HHumanoid0.025
Scarlet Lumberjack54 - 56A HHumanoid0.025
Haunting Vision57 - 58A HUndead0.025
Scarlet Avenger56 - 57A HHumanoid0.025
Scarlet Spellbinder57 - 58A HHumanoid0.025
Storm Bay Oracle54 - 55A HHumanoid0.025
Living Blaze54 - 55A HElemental0.025
Stone Guardian60 - 61
A HElemental0.025
Blackrock Soldier55 - 56A HHumanoid0.025
Blackrock Slayer56 - 57A HHumanoid0.025
Blackrock Warlock56 - 57A HHumanoid0.025
Blackrock Battlemaster57 - 58A HHumanoid0.025
Greater Obsidian Elemental55 - 57A HElemental0.025
Flamescale Dragonspawn56 - 57A HDragonkin0.025
Flamescale Wyrmkin57 - 58A HDragonkin0.025
Searscale Drake56 - 58A HDragonkin0.025
Condemned Cleric59 - 60
A HUndead0.025
Deadwind Brute55 - 56A HHumanoid0.025
Restless Shade68 - 69A HUndead0.025
Deadwind Mauler56 - 57A HHumanoid0.025
Deadwind Warlock57 - 58A HHumanoid0.025
Deadwind Ogre Mage55 - 57A HHumanoid0.025
Frostmaul Giant59 - 60
A HGiant0.025
Frostmaul Preserver59 - 60
A HGiant0.025
Frostsaber56 - 57A HBeast0.025
Frostsaber Stalker59 - 60A HBeast0.025
Frostsaber Huntress58 - 59A HBeast0.025
Frostsaber Pride Watcher59 - 60A HBeast0.025
Cobalt Scalebane56 - 57
A HDragonkin0.025
Cobalt Mageweaver57 - 58
A HDragonkin0.025
Winterfall Ursa57 - 58A HHumanoid0.025
Winterfall Shaman56 - 57A HHumanoid0.025
Winterfall Den Watcher55 - 56A HHumanoid0.025
Shardtooth Mauler55 - 56A HBeast0.025
Elder Shardtooth57 - 58A HBeast0.025
Rabid Shardtooth59 - 60A HBeast0.025
Chillwind Ravager57 - 59A HBeast0.025
Crazed Owlbeast56 - 57A HHumanoid0.025
Moontouched Owlbeast57 - 58A HHumanoid0.025
Berserk Owlbeast58 - 59A HHumanoid0.025
Winterspring Screecher57 - 59A HBeast0.025
Ice Thistle Yeti55 - 56A HHumanoid0.025
Ice Thistle Matriarch56 - 57A HHumanoid0.025
Ice Thistle Patriarch57 - 58A HHumanoid0.025
Hederine Initiate59 - 60
A HDemon0.025
Hederine Manastalker59 - 60
A HDemon0.025
Hederine Slayer59 - 60
A HDemon0.025
Suffering Highborne54 - 55A HUndead0.025
Anguished Highborne55 - 56A HUndead0.025
Plague Ravager55 - 56A HElemental0.025
Blighted Horror56 - 57A HElemental0.025
Plague Monstrosity57 - 58A HElemental0.025
Cursed Mage54 - 55A HUndead0.025
Scourge Warder55 - 56A HUndead0.025
Scourge Guard57 - 58A HUndead0.025
Dread Weaver58 - 59A HUndead0.025
Scourge Champion59 - 60A HUndead0.025
Cannibal Ghoul54 - 55A HUndead0.025
Gibbering Ghoul56 - 57A HUndead0.025
Diseased Flayer58 - 59A HUndead0.025
Putrid Gargoyle54 - 56A HUndead0.025
Putrid Shrieker55 - 57A HUndead0.025
Eyeless Watcher57 - 58A HUndead0.025
Hate Shrieker55 - 57A HUndead0.025
Death Singer57 - 59A HUndead0.025
Stitched Horror57 - 58A HUndead0.025
Gangled Golem58 - 59A HUndead0.025
Stitched Golem59 - 60A HUndead0.025
Dark Adept58 - 59A HHumanoid0.025
Vile Tutor56 - 57A HHumanoid0.025
Shadowmage59 - 60A HHumanoid0.025
Crypt Walker55 - 56A HUndead0.025
Crypt Slayer58 - 59A HUndead0.025
Mossflayer Scout57 - 58A HHumanoid0.025
Mossflayer Shadowhunter58 - 59A HHumanoid0.025
Mossflayer Cannibal57 - 59A HHumanoid0.025
Woodsman58 - 59A HHumanoid0.025
Ranger59 - 60A HHumanoid0.025
Pathstrider57 - 58A HHumanoid0.025
Frenzied Plaguehound57 - 58A HDemon0.025
Monstrous Plaguebat56 - 58A HBeast0.025
Carrion Devourer56 - 57A HBeast0.025
Anvilrage Marshal53 - 54
A HHumanoid0.025
Doomforge Dragoon53 - 54
A HHumanoid0.025
Shadowforge Senator54 - 55A HHumanoid0.025
Wrath Hammer Construct54
A HMechanical0.025
Molten War Golem55
A HElemental0.025