Novice's Chest - Items - WoW: Burning Crusade database
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Novice's Chest

Novice's Chest
Item Level: 1

Binds when picked up
Requires Level: 60
"Contains various equipment for level 60."

Robes of the Triumvirate7560Cloth Armor3(12)
Cape of the Trinity7560Cloth Armor3(12)
Leggings of Immersion7360Leather Armor3(12)
Barrage Shoulders7360Mail Armor3(12)
Cloak of Concentrated Hatred7360Cloth Armor3(12)
Amulet of Foul Warding7360Misc. (Armor)3(12)
Hammer of Ji'zhi7360Two-Handed Mace3(12)
Boots of the Redeemed Prophecy7360Plate Armor3(12)
Boots of the Fallen Prophet7360Mail Armor3(12)
Boots of the Unwavering Will7360Plate Armor3(12)
Ring of Swarming Thought7360Misc. (Armor)3(12)
Beetle Scaled Wristguards7360Leather Armor3(12)
Sand Polished Hammer7260One-Handed Mace3(12)
Breastplate of Annihilation7360Plate Armor3(12)
Ritssyn's Ring of Chaos7160Misc. (Armor)3(12)
Anubisath Warhammer7160One-Handed Mace3(12)
Garb of Royal Ascension7160Cloth Armor3(12)
Scepter of the False Prophet8460One-Handed Mace3(12)
Neretzek, The Blood Drinker7160Two-Handed Axe3(12)
Gloves of the Immortal7160Cloth Armor3(12)
Shard of the Fallen Star7560Misc. (Armor)3(12)
Outrider's Plate Legguards6560Plate Armor3(12)
Sentinel's Plate Legguards6560Plate Armor3(12)
Outrider's Chain Leggings6560Mail Armor3(12)
Outrider's Mail Leggings6560Mail Armor3(12)
Band of Servitude6560Misc. (Armor)3(12)
Seal of the Gurubashi Berserker6560Misc. (Armor)3(12)
Eyestalk Waist Cord8860Cloth Armor3(12)
Cloak of the Devoured8860Cloth Armor3(12)
Mark of C'Thun8860Misc. (Armor)3(12)
Cloak of Flames6560Cloth Armor3(1)
Band of Accuria7860Misc. (Armor)3(1)
Medallion of Steadfast Might6860Misc. (Armor)3(1)
Drillborer Disk6760Shield3(1)
Ancient Cornerstone Grimoire7660Misc. (Armor)3(1)
Deathbringer7560One-Handed Axe3(1)
Striker's Mark6960Bow3(1)
Fang of the Mystics7060Dagger3(1)
Gutgore Ripper6960Dagger3(1)
Blastershot Launcher7060Gun3(1)
Earthshaker6660Two-Handed Mace3(1)
Vis'kag the Bloodletter7460One-Handed Sword3(1)
Bonereaver's Edge7760Two-Handed Sword3(1)
Sapphiron Drape7260Cloth Armor3(1)
Cloak of the Shrouded Mists7460Cloth Armor3(1)
Azuresong Mageblade7160One-Handed Sword3(1)
Spinal Reaper7660Two-Handed Axe3(1)
Aurastone Hammer6960One-Handed Mace3(1)
Malistar's Defender7560Shield3(1)
Dragon's Blood Cape7360Cloth Armor3(1)