Novice's Chest - Items - WoW: Burning Crusade database
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Novice's Chest

Novice's Chest
Item Level: 1

Binds when picked up
Requires Level: 40
"Contains various equipment for level 40."

Ardent Custodian4338One-Handed Mace8(1)
Dazzling Longsword4136One-Handed Sword8(1)
Fiery War Axe4035Two-Handed Axe8(1)
Staff of Jordan4035Staff8(1)
Stalvan's Reaper3732One-Handed Axe8(1)
Midnight Mace3833One-Handed Mace8(1)
Black Duskwood Staff3833Staff8(1)
The Green Tower4136Shield8(1)
Scorpion Sting3934One-Handed Sword8(1)
Sickle Axe3934One-Handed Axe8(1)
Black Ogre Kickers3732Mail Armor8(1)
Ankh of Life4540Misc. (Armor)8(1)
Necklace of Calisea4338Misc. (Armor)8(2)
Polished Jazeraint Armor4439Mail Armor8(2)
Robe of the Magi4035Cloth Armor8(2)
Basilisk Hide Pants4338Leather Armor8(2)
Thornstone Sledgehammer4237Two-Handed Mace8(2)
Underworld Band4338Misc. (Armor)8(2)
Icemail Jerkin4439Mail Armor8(2)
Nightblade4439Two-Handed Sword8(2)
Swampchill Fetish3833Misc. (Armor)8(2)
Gut Ripper4540Dagger8(2)
Swampwalker Boots3732Leather Armor8(2)
Blazing Emblem4338Misc. (Armor)8(2)
Curve-bladed Ripper4540One-Handed Axe8(3)
Bow of Searing Arrows4237Bow8(3)
Gem-studded Leather Belt3732Leather Armor8(3)
Icy Cloak4035Cloth Armor8(3)
Dark Hooded Cape3732Cloth Armor8(3)
The Pacifier3732Two-Handed Mace8(3)
Robe of Power3833Cloth Armor8(3)
Orb of the Forgotten Seer3833Misc. (Armor)8(3)
Robe of Doan3833Cloth Armor8(3)
Mantle of Doan3833Cloth Armor8(3)
Illusionary Rod3934Staff8(3)
Hypnotic Blade3934Dagger8(4)
Ravager4237Two-Handed Axe8(4)
Herod's Shoulder4237Mail Armor8(4)
Raging Berserker's Helm4237Mail Armor8(4)
Whitemane's Chapeau4439Cloth Armor8(4)
Hand of Righteousness4439One-Handed Mace8(4)
Triune Amulet4439Misc. (Armor)8(4)
Mograine's Might4439Two-Handed Mace8(4)
Gauntlets of Divinity4439Mail Armor8(4)
Aegis of the Scarlet Commander4439Shield8(4)
Fight Club3934One-Handed Mace8(4)
Flintrock Shoulders3833Leather Armor8(4)
Windweaver Staff3732Staff8(5)
Ruthless Shiv3934Polearm8(5)