Novice's Chest - Items - WoW: Burning Crusade database
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Novice's Chest

Novice's Chest
Item Level: 1

Binds when picked up
Requires Level: 20
"Contains various equipment for level 20."

Forester's Axe2318One-Handed Axe4(1)
Rockslicer2116Two-Handed Axe4(1)
Staff of Horrors2318Staff4(1)
Black Metal Axe2419One-Handed Axe4(1)
Twisted Chanter's Staff2419Staff4(1)
Gnoll Casting Gloves2217Cloth Armor4(1)
Ironwood Treebranch2520Two-Handed Mace4(1)
Wicked Spiked Mace2520One-Handed Mace4(1)
Night Watch Shortsword2015One-Handed Sword4(1)
Defias Renegade Ring2520Misc. (Armor)4(1)
Feet of the Lynx2419Leather Armor4(1)
Lavishly Jeweled Ring2217Misc. (Armor)4(1)
Overseer's Cloak2015Cloth Armor4(1)
Support Girdle2217Leather Armor4(1)
Heavy Gnoll War Club2116Two-Handed Mace4(1)
Lupine Axe2015Two-Handed Axe4(1)
Butcher's Cleaver2520One-Handed Axe4(1)
Blackrock Mace2116One-Handed Mace4(1)
Lesser Belt of the Spire2217Cloth Armor4(1)
Lesser Staff of the Spire2015Staff4(1)
Ghoul Fingers2015Leather Armor4(1)
Night Reaver2318Two-Handed Axe4(1)
Pearl-encrusted Spear2120Polearm4(1)
Blackrock Gauntlets2015Mail Armor4(1)
Blackrock Champion's Axe2419Two-Handed Axe4(2)
Shadowhide Mace2217One-Handed Mace4(2)
Shadowhide Maul2318Two-Handed Mace4(2)
Shadowhide Scalper2419One-Handed Axe4(2)
Shadowhide Two-handed Sword2015Two-Handed Sword4(2)
Slayer's Battle Axe2520Two-Handed Axe4(2)
Ring of the Shadow2520Misc. (Armor)4(2)
Grimclaw2520One-Handed Axe4(2)
Shadowfang2419One-Handed Sword4(2)
Face Smasher2116One-Handed Mace4(2)
Witching Stave2217Staff4(2)
Tree Bark Jacket2419Cloth Armor4(2)
Gloomshroud Armor2520Leather Armor4(2)
Ring of Precision2520Misc. (Armor)4(2)
Bluegill Sandals2116Cloth Armor4(2)
Stonemason Trousers2015Leather Armor4(2)
Assassin's Blade2419Dagger4(2)
Buzz Saw2116One-Handed Sword4(2)
Block Mallet2217One-Handed Mace4(2)
Mindthrust Bracers2217Cloth Armor4(2)
Green Carapace Shield2116Shield4(2)
Scholarly Robes2520Cloth Armor4(2)
Sword of the Night Sky2419One-Handed Sword4(2)
Bluegill Kukri2419One-Handed Sword4(2)
Sentry Cloak2419Cloth Armor4(3)
Foreman's Leggings2015Mail Armor4(3)