Two of Beasts - Items - WoW: Burning Crusade database
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Two of Beasts

A HHumanoid0.3058
Bladespire Chef67
A HHumanoid0.1427
Champion Sentinel58A HHumanoid0.12
Shadow Lord Fel'dan57A HHumanoid0.06
Timbermaw Woodbender52 - 53A HHumanoid0.06
Risen Guardian59 - 61A HUndead0.06
Wildpaw Brute70A HHumanoid0.06
Wildpaw Brute (1)70A HHumanoid0.06
Ethereum Gladiator70A HHumanoid0.0547
A HDemon0.0536
Ango'rosh Brute62 - 63A HHumanoid0.0481
Rotting Highborne58 - 59A HUndead0.0479
Shattered Hand Neophyte62 - 63A HHumanoid0.0454
Scourge Guard57 - 58A HUndead0.0421
Shadowforge Citizen51 - 52A HHumanoid0.04
Grim Patron48 - 52A HHumanoid0.04
Seasoned Sentinel59A HHumanoid0.04
Seasoned Guardian70A HHumanoid0.04
Seasoned Guardian (1)70A HHumanoid0.04
Felguard Sentry54 - 55A HDemon0.0391
Dark Caster56 - 57A HUndead0.039
Shadowmaster Grieve65A HHumanoid0.0364
Ruuan'ok Matriarch67A HHumanoid0.0355
Harbinger of the Raven68A HHumanoid0.0331
Ortor of Murkblood67A HHumanoid0.0324
Boss Grog'ak62 - 63A HHumanoid0.031
Maiden of Discipline70A HDemon0.03
Prophetess Cavrylin68 - 69A HDemon0.0285
Unseen Servant55 - 56A HUndead0.0282
Glumdor66A HHumanoid0.0274
Overseer Theredis68A HHumanoid0.0257
Mossflayer Scout57 - 58A HHumanoid0.0256
Eclipsion Blood Knight69A HHumanoid0.0256
Crystal Flayer66 - 67A HHumanoid0.0248
Anger Guard67 - 68A HDemon0.0242
Umbrafen Witchdoctor60 - 61A HHumanoid0.0232
Rhonsus69A HUndead0.0231
Deadwind Mauler56 - 57A HHumanoid0.0223
Anguished Highborne55 - 56A HUndead0.0218
Bloodmaul Drudger65 - 66A HHumanoid0.0218
Fel Corrupter66 - 67A HHumanoid0.0214
Shattered Hand Mage61 - 62A HHumanoid0.0204
Warbringer Arix'Amal62A HDemon0.0203
Skeletal Flayer50 - 51A HUndead0.02
Skeletal Terror52 - 54A HUndead0.02
Skeletal Executioner54 - 55A HUndead0.02
Slavering Ghoul50 - 52A HUndead0.02
Searing Ghoul55 - 56A HUndead0.02
Scarlet Hunter52 - 53A HHumanoid0.02
Scarlet Knight54 - 55A HHumanoid0.02
Scarlet Invoker53 - 54A HHumanoid0.02
Haunting Vision57 - 58A HUndead0.02
Blighted Zombie52 - 53A HUndead0.02
Scarlet Avenger56 - 57A HHumanoid0.02
Dreadmaul Mauler53 - 54A HHumanoid0.02
Dreadmaul Warlock54 - 55A HHumanoid0.02
Portal Seeker51 - 53A HHumanoid0.02
Shadowsworn Thug52 - 53A HHumanoid0.02
Shadowsworn Enforcer53 - 54A HHumanoid0.02
Shadowsworn Dreadweaver54 - 55A HHumanoid0.02
Son of Arkkoroc54 - 55
A HGiant0.02
Legashi Rogue51 - 53A HDemon0.02
Legashi Hellcaller52 - 53A HDemon0.02
Blackrock Sorcerer55 - 56A HHumanoid0.02
Blackrock Slayer56 - 57A HHumanoid0.02
Blackrock Warlock56 - 57A HHumanoid0.02
Thaurissan Firewalker53 - 55A HHumanoid0.02
Thaurissan Agent54 - 55A HHumanoid0.02
Jadefire Trickster52 - 53A HDemon0.02
Jadefire Shadowstalker51 - 52A HDemon0.02
Jaedenar Cultist51 - 52A HHumanoid0.02
Jaedenar Enforcer52 - 53A HHumanoid0.02
Restless Shade68 - 69A HUndead0.02
Deadwind Warlock57 - 58A HHumanoid0.02
Winterfall Totemic54 - 55A HHumanoid0.02
Servant of Grol53 - 54A HHumanoid0.02
Scourge Soldier53 - 54A HUndead0.02
Cursed Mage54 - 55A HUndead0.02
Scourge Warder55 - 56A HUndead0.02
Scourge Champion59 - 60A HUndead0.02
Cannibal Ghoul54 - 55A HUndead0.02
Diseased Flayer58 - 59A HUndead0.02
Eyeless Watcher57 - 58A HUndead0.02
Torn Screamer53 - 55A HUndead0.02
Stitched Horror57 - 58A HUndead0.02
Gangled Golem58 - 59A HUndead0.02
Stitched Golem59 - 60A HUndead0.02
Dark Adept58 - 59A HHumanoid0.02
Shadowmage59 - 60A HHumanoid0.02
Mossflayer Shadowhunter58 - 59A HHumanoid0.02
Mossflayer Cannibal57 - 59A HHumanoid0.02
Woodsman58 - 59A HHumanoid0.02
Ranger59 - 60A HHumanoid0.02
Doomforge Arcanasmith54A HHumanoid0.02
Shadowforge Senator54 - 55A HHumanoid0.02
Twilight Emissary51 - 52
A HHumanoid0.02
Weapon Technician54 - 56A HHumanoid0.02
Chieftain Bloodmaw56A HHumanoid0.02
Overlord Ror51A HHumanoid0.02
Guzzling Patron48 - 52A HHumanoid0.02