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Shredder Operating Manual - Page 2

Shredder Operating Manual - Page 2
Item Level: 1

Use: Bind pages 1-4 into Chapter 1 of the Shredder Operating Manual.

Wandering Protector35
A HGiant5
A HHumanoid3
A HDemon3
Prince Raze32
A HDemon2
Aligar the Tormentor24A HDemon2
Warsong Shaman28 - 29A HHumanoid2
Shadethicket Oracle30A HElemental1.8
Apothecary Falthis22
A HHumanoid1.78
Horde Scout26 - 28A HHumanoid1.74
A HElemental1.7241
Bloodtooth Guard27 - 28A HHumanoid1.72
Forsaken Intruder28 - 29A HHumanoid1.66
Forsaken Assassin29 - 30A HHumanoid1.64
Uthil Mooncall32A HUndead1.6
Dark Strand Cultist18 - 19A HHumanoid1.54
Dark Strand Enforcer20 - 21A HHumanoid1.54
Forsaken Scout23A HHumanoid1.52
Warsong Grunt29 - 30A HHumanoid1.52
Saltspittle Oracle20 - 21A HHumanoid1.5
Forsaken Seeker18 - 19A HHumanoid1.48
Forsaken Infiltrator29 - 30A HHumanoid1.46
Forsaken Herbalist18 - 19A HHumanoid1.44
Withered Ancient26 - 27A HElemental1.4
Branch Snapper25
A HElemental1.38
Dark Strand Excavator19 - 20A HHumanoid1.34
Warsong Shredder27 - 28A HMechanical1.34
Forsaken Dark Stalker28 - 29A HHumanoid1.32
Crazed Ancient27 - 28A HElemental1.32
Shadethicket Raincaller22 - 23A HElemental1.3
Mavoris Cloudsbreak32A HUndead1.22
Chief Murgut26A HHumanoid1.2121
Silverwing Warrior21 - 22A HHumanoid1.1601
Horde Deforester27 - 28A HHumanoid1.16
Darkslayer Mordenthal23A HHumanoid1.14
Warsong Peon26 - 27A HHumanoid1.14
Cenarion Protector25 - 26A HHumanoid1.113
Ruuzel22A HHumanoid1.1
Foulweald Shaman24 - 25A HHumanoid1.0598
Felmusk Satyr25 - 26A HDemon1.0086
Dark Strand Assassin21A HHumanoid0.94
Thistlefur Den Watcher23 - 24A HHumanoid0.9358
Diathorus the Seeker32A HDemon0.9249
Silverwing Sentinel22 - 23A HHumanoid0.9238
Ashenvale Outrunner23 - 24A HHumanoid0.9094
Thistlefur Totemic23 - 24A HHumanoid0.9085
Dark Strand Adept18 - 19A HHumanoid0.898
Searing Infernal29 - 30A HDemon0.8861
Laughing Sister24 - 25A HHumanoid0.8585
Forsaken Thug20A HHumanoid0.855
Thistlefur Ursa23 - 24A HHumanoid0.846
Befouled Water Elemental23 - 25A HElemental0.8216
Thistlefur Pathfinder23 - 24A HHumanoid0.8158
Sarilus Foulborne25A HHumanoid0.8
Bleakheart Satyr26 - 27A HDemon0.7923
Wrathtail Razortail19 - 20A HHumanoid0.7854
Wrathtail Sea Witch19 - 20A HHumanoid0.7834
Foulweald Ursa24 - 25A HHumanoid0.7825
Thistlefur Avenger23 - 24A HHumanoid0.7683
Rotting Slime20 - 22A HUncategorized0.7544
Felmusk Felsworn25 - 26A HDemon0.7422
Gorgannon32A HDemon0.7384
Bleakheart Hellcaller26 - 27A HDemon0.7316
Felmusk Shadowstalker26 - 27A HDemon0.7277
Felmusk Rogue26 - 27A HDemon0.7244
Bleakheart Trickster27 - 28A HDemon0.7227
Thistlefur Shaman23 - 24A HHumanoid0.6936
Ran Bloodtooth30A HHumanoid0.666
Roaming Felguard29 - 30A HDemon0.6656
A HBeast0.66
Tideress27A HElemental0.6443
Balizar the Umbrage24A HDemon0.64
Wrathtail Sorceress18 - 19A HHumanoid0.6371
Bleakheart Shadowstalker27 - 28A HDemon0.6327
Duriel Moonfire24A HHumanoid0.625
Mannoroc Lasher29 - 30A HDemon0.5657
A HHumanoid0.56
Wrathtail Wave Rider18 - 19A HHumanoid0.559
Wrathtail Myrmidon20 - 21A HHumanoid0.5437
Ilkrud Magthrull24A HHumanoid0.5319
Wrathtail Priestess20 - 21A HHumanoid0.5002
Lady Vespia22
A HHumanoid0.5
Foulweald Den Watcher24 - 25A HHumanoid0.4702
Rorgish Jowl25
A HHumanoid0.4587
Shadethicket Stone Mover26A HElemental0.4422
Dal Bloodclaw25A HHumanoid0.4351
Foulweald Warrior23 - 24A HHumanoid0.3845
Foulweald Pathfinder23 - 24A HHumanoid0.3811
Shadethicket Bark Ripper26 - 27A HElemental0.3779
Foulweald Totemic23 - 24A HHumanoid0.3775
Severed Druid28 - 29A HUndead0.3593
Cenarion Vindicator26 - 27A HHumanoid0.3396
Xavian Felsworn28 - 29A HDemon0.328
Severed Sleeper28 - 29A HUndead0.294
Caedakar the Vicious24A HDemon0.28
Xavian Rogue29 - 30A HDemon0.2565
Taneel Darkwood32A HUndead0.2558
Severed Dreamer29 - 30A HUndead0.2533
Shadethicket Wood Shaper23 - 24A HElemental0.2379
Xavian Hellcaller29 - 30A HDemon0.1947
Severed Keeper29 - 30A HUndead0.1681