Lupine Cloak - Items - WoW: Burning Crusade database
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Lupine Cloak

Lupine Cloak
Item Level: 13
Armor: 12
Requires Level: 8

Savannah Highmane12 - 13A HBeast0.7109
Burning Blade Crusher13A HHumanoid0.7
Blackmoss the Fetid13
A HElemental0.62
Rageclaw10A HHumanoid0.3965
Kodo Matriarch11 - 12A HBeast0.3788
Earthborer13 - 14
A HBeast0.3327
The Rake10
A HBeast0.3215
Molten Elemental13 - 15
A HElemental0.3204
Kolkar Packhound13A HBeast0.2927
Savannah Huntress11 - 12A HBeast0.249
Lord Xiz13A HHumanoid0.2275
Corrupted Surf Crawler10 - 11A HBeast0.22
Searing Blade Enforcer13 - 15
A HHumanoid0.2092
Greymist Seer13 - 14A HHumanoid0.207
Cruelfin12A HHumanoid0.1951
Searing Blade Cultist13 - 15
A HHumanoid0.1897
Searing Blade Warlock13 - 15
A HHumanoid0.1852
Ragefire Trogg13 - 15
A HHumanoid0.1825
Ursal the Mauler12A HHumanoid0.18
Burning Blade Cultist10 - 11A HHumanoid0.18
Wrathscale Screamer12 - 13A HHumanoid0.1772
Zhevra Runner13 - 14A HBeast0.1662
Deth'ryll Satyr12 - 13A HHumanoid0.1637
Tide Crawler12 - 14A HBeast0.16
Ragefire Shaman13 - 15
A HHumanoid0.1592
Foreststrider Fledgling11 - 13A HBeast0.1522
Moonkin Oracle13 - 14A HHumanoid0.1517
Tazan13A HHumanoid0.1511
Corrupted Dreadmaw Crocolisk11 - 12A HBeast0.14
Enforcer Emilgund11
A HHumanoid0.14
Razormane Geomancer12 - 13A HHumanoid0.1373
Venture Co. Peon13 - 14A HHumanoid0.1341
Blacksilt Scout12 - 13A HHumanoid0.1335
Moonstalker14 - 15A HBeast0.1296
Rabid Thistle Bear13 - 14A HBeast0.1252
Thistle Bear11 - 12A HBeast0.1235
Sunscale Screecher13 - 15A HBeast0.122
Bloodfeather Matriarch11A HHumanoid0.12
Gazz'uz14A HHumanoid0.12
Southsea Cannoneer13 - 14A HHumanoid0.1171
Ghostclaw Lynx13 - 14A HBeast0.1155
Kolkar Stormer13 - 14A HHumanoid0.1146
Kolkar Wrangler12 - 13A HHumanoid0.1122
Blackwood Pathfinder12 - 13A HHumanoid0.1072
The Kurken12A HBeast0.1071
Nazzivus Felsworn12 - 14A HDemon0.1069
Lightning Hide10 - 11A HBeast0.1048
Razormane Mystic13 - 14A HHumanoid0.1018
Greenpaw10A HHumanoid0.1
Greymist Raider11 - 12A HHumanoid0.1
Makasgar12A HHumanoid0.1
Fleeting Plainstrider12 - 13A HBeast0.0992
Wrathscale Sorceress13 - 14A HHumanoid0.0958
Feral Nightsaber10 - 11A HBeast0.0955
Moonkin12 - 13A HHumanoid0.0939
Chieftain Oomooroo11A HHumanoid0.089
Wrathscale Shorestalker12 - 13A HHumanoid0.0876
Nazzivus Satyr12 - 13A HDemon0.0857
Fizzle Darkstorm12A HHumanoid0.0852
Southsea Brigand12 - 13A HHumanoid0.0835
Southsea Cutthroat14 - 15A HHumanoid0.08
Brown Bear9 - 10A HBeast0.08
Raging Moonkin12 - 14A HHumanoid0.0789
Blacksilt Tidecaller11 - 13A HHumanoid0.0775
Wild Grell11 - 12A HHumanoid0.077
Nazzivus Rogue13 - 14A HDemon0.0769
Greymist Netter14 - 15A HHumanoid0.0757
Wailing Highborne12 - 13A HUndead0.0712
Encrusted Surf Crawler9 - 10A HBeast0.07
Gnarlpine Avenger9 - 10A HHumanoid0.0695
Blacksilt Forager11 - 12A HHumanoid0.0684
Wrathscale Marauder13 - 14A HHumanoid0.0662
Kolkar Bloodcharger14 - 15A HHumanoid0.066
Blackwood Windtalker13 - 14A HHumanoid0.0657
Grimtotem Ruffian14 - 15A HHumanoid0.0657
Zalazane10A HHumanoid0.0646
Razormane Defender12 - 13A HHumanoid0.0644
Greymist Coastrunner12 - 13A HHumanoid0.0635
Greater Plainstrider11 - 12A HBeast0.0612
Dreadmaw Crocolisk9 - 11A HBeast0.06
Burning Blade Apprentice10 - 11A HHumanoid0.06
Corrupted Bloodtalon Scythemaw10 - 11A HBeast0.06
Burning Blade Bruiser10 - 11A HHumanoid0.06
Lunaclaw12A HHumanoid0.06
Darkshore Thresher12 - 14A HBeast0.057
Grimtotem Mercenary14 - 15A HHumanoid0.0541
Spindleweb Lurker14 - 15A HBeast0.0533
Young Moonkin11 - 12A HHumanoid0.053
Supervisor Fizsprocket12A HHumanoid0.05
A HBeast0.05
Irradiated Wildkin14 - 16A HHumanoid0.0475
Moonstalker Runt16 - 17A HBeast0.0471
Young Reef Crawler10 - 11A HBeast0.0445
Kolkar Pack Runner14 - 15A HHumanoid0.0441
Bristlelimb Warrior10 - 11A HHumanoid0.0432
Witchwing Harpy14 - 15A HHumanoid0.043
Savannah Prowler14 - 15A HBeast0.0418
Razormane Hunter11 - 12A HHumanoid0.0404
Timberling Mire Beast9 - 10A HElemental0.04
Elder Timberling10 - 11A HElemental0.04