Primal Bands - Items - WoW: Burning Crusade database
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Primal Bands

Primal Bands
Item Level: 9
Armor: 21
Durability 18 / 18
Requires Level: 4

Brown Bear9 - 10A HBeast1.04
Encrusted Surf Crawler9 - 10A HBeast0.84
Makrura Snapclaw8 - 9A HHumanoid0.8
Geolord Mottle9
A HHumanoid0.66
Oakenscowl9A HElemental0.5263
A HHumanoid0.5181
Death Ravager10A HBeast0.4386
Thunder Lizard9 - 10A HBeast0.3574
Bloodtalon Scythemaw8 - 10A HBeast0.3288
The Rake10
A HBeast0.3215
Watch Commander Zalaphil9
A HHumanoid0.3215
Galak Outrunner9 - 10A HHumanoid0.3175
A HBeast0.28
Corrupted Scorpid10 - 11A HBeast0.26
Gnarlpine Augur8 - 9A HHumanoid0.2556
Bristleback Interloper9 - 10A HHumanoid0.2543
Bloodfeather Fury9 - 10A HHumanoid0.2525
Dreadmaw Crocolisk9 - 11A HBeast0.2468
Minion of Sethir8 - 10A HHumanoid0.24
Webwood Silkspinner8 - 9A HBeast0.2397
Flatland Prowler9A HBeast0.2376
Starving Ghostclaw9 - 10A HBeast0.2375
Thistle Cub11 - 12A HBeast0.237
Elder Springpaw8 - 9A HBeast0.2369
Nightstalker8 - 9A HBeast0.2366
Moonstalker Runt16 - 17A HBeast0.2356
Raving Owlbeast9 - 10A HHumanoid0.2253
Barbed Crawler7 - 9A HBeast0.2203
Corrupted Surf Crawler10 - 11A HBeast0.22
Ravager Specimen9 - 10A HBeast0.213
Pygmy Tide Crawler9 - 10A HBeast0.2112
Gnarlpine Avenger9 - 10A HHumanoid0.2086
Elder Mottled Boar8 - 9A HBeast0.1966
Elder Nightsaber8 - 9A HBeast0.1958
Prairie Wolf Alpha9 - 10A HBeast0.1945
Elder Plainstrider8 - 9A HBeast0.1847
Greenpaw10A HHumanoid0.1805
A HBeast0.18
Corrupted Mottled Boar10 - 11A HBeast0.18
Warlord Kolkanis9
A HHumanoid0.18
Burning Blade Thug8 - 9A HHumanoid0.1762
Lightning Hide10 - 11A HBeast0.1746
Venture Co. Supervisor9 - 10A HHumanoid0.1723
Strigid Hunter8 - 9A HBeast0.1693
Razormane Battleguard9 - 10A HHumanoid0.1668
Dustwind Savage9 - 10A HHumanoid0.1658
Corrupted Bloodtalon Scythemaw10 - 11A HBeast0.1631
Burning Blade Fanatic9 - 10A HHumanoid0.152
Swoop7 - 9A HBeast0.1502
Crazed Wildkin9 - 10A HHumanoid0.145
Bloodfeather Sorceress9A HHumanoid0.1433
Bael'dun Appraiser8 - 9A HHumanoid0.1421
Hexed Troll8 - 9A HHumanoid0.1419
Aberrant Owlbeast8 - 10A HHumanoid0.1406
Galak Centaur8 - 9A HHumanoid0.14
Withered Green Keeper9 - 10A HElemental0.1382
Venomtail Scorpid9 - 10A HBeast0.1345
Venture Co. Worker8 - 9A HHumanoid0.1257
Bloodfeather Wind Witch9 - 10A HHumanoid0.1252
Burning Blade Apprentice10 - 11A HHumanoid0.1249
Bristlelimb Windcaller7 - 9A HHumanoid0.1204
Bristlelimb Warrior10 - 11A HHumanoid0.1187
Windfury Wind Witch8 - 9A HHumanoid0.1183
Timberling Mire Beast9 - 10A HElemental0.1163
Windfury Sorceress9 - 10A HHumanoid0.1159
Bloodfeather Harpy8 - 9A HHumanoid0.1141
Giant Webwood Spider10 - 11A HBeast0.1048
Bristlelimb Ursa8 - 9A HHumanoid0.1012
Burning Blade Bruiser10 - 11A HHumanoid0.0891
Young Reef Crawler10 - 11A HBeast0.089
Dustwind Storm Witch10 - 11A HHumanoid0.0883
Voodoo Troll8 - 9A HHumanoid0.0875
Bristlelimb Shaman10 - 11A HHumanoid0.0842
Deranged Owlbeast8 - 9A HHumanoid0.084
Feral Nightsaber10 - 11A HBeast0.08
Rageclaw10A HHumanoid0.0793
Razormane Dustrunner8 - 9A HHumanoid0.0764
Timberling Trampler8 - 9A HElemental0.0757
Spindleweb Spider10 - 11A HBeast0.0716
Zalazane10A HHumanoid0.0646
Razormane Water Seeker10 - 11A HHumanoid0.0629
Gnarlpine Totemic10 - 11A HHumanoid0.06
Burning Blade Cultist10 - 11A HHumanoid0.06
Bloodmyst Hatchling10 - 11A HBeast0.0593
Taloned Swoop8 - 10A HBeast0.0549
Razormane Thornweaver10 - 11A HHumanoid0.0521
Elder Timberling10 - 11A HElemental0.0443
Windfury Matriarch10 - 11A HHumanoid0.0427
Vile Sprite10 - 11A HHumanoid0.0426
Burning Blade Neophyte9 - 10A HHumanoid0.0402
Kodo Bull10 - 11A HBeast0.04
Gnarlpine Pathfinder9 - 10A HHumanoid0.037
Eversong Green Keeper7 - 9A HElemental0.0365
Bloodfeather Rogue8 - 9A HHumanoid0.0274
Cursed Highborne10 - 11A HUndead0.0157