Gadgetzan - Factions - WoW: Burning Crusade database
Quick Facts
  • Group: Steamwheedle Cartel


Capital of the Steamwheedle Cartel and home to goblinhood's finest engineers, alchemists and merchants.

Alchemist Pestlezugg45A HHumanoid
Auctioneer Beardo50A HHumanoid
Axle39A HHumanoid
Bip Nigstrom70A HHumanoid
Blizrik Buckshot45A HHumanoid
Buzzek Bracketswing53A HHumanoid
Chief Engineer Bilgewhizzle50A HHumanoid
Dirge Quikcleave43A HHumanoid
Drazzit Dripvalve39A HHumanoid
Dyslix Silvergrub65
A HHumanoid
Gadgetzan Bruiser67A HHumanoid
Gadgetzan Sniper67A HHumanoid
Gikkix40A HHumanoid
Gimblethorn45A HHumanoid
Gizzix Grimegurgle40A HHumanoid
A HHumanoid
Haughty Modiste51A HHumanoid
Innkeeper Fizzgrimble30A HHumanoid
Jabbey40A HHumanoid
Jhordy Lapforge50A HHumanoid
Jorb37A HHumanoid
Krakle60A HHumanoid
Krinkle Goodsteel40A HHumanoid
Krixil Slogswitch41A HHumanoid
Laziphus30A HHumanoid
Marin Noggenfogger40A HHumanoid
Marvon Rivetseeker40A HHumanoid
Melizza Brimbuzzle39A HHumanoid
Meminnie70A HHumanoid
Moxie Steelgrille40 - 41A HHumanoid
Mudsprocket Bruiser55A HHumanoid
Mux Manascrambler60A HHumanoid
Nixx Sprocketspring55A HHumanoid
Pikkle40A HHumanoid
Prospector Ironboot48A HHumanoid
Qizzik45A HHumanoid
Quinn35A HHumanoid
Razbo Rustgear39A HHumanoid
Security Chief Bilgewhizzle51A HHumanoid
Senior Surveyor Fizzledowser44A HHumanoid
Shizzle40A HHumanoid
Shreev39A HHumanoid
Spigot Operator Luglunket40A HHumanoid
Sprinkle30A HHumanoid
Steamwheedle Sam70A HHumanoid
Stoley30A HHumanoid
Tran'rek45A HHumanoid
Trenton Lighthammer55A HHumanoid
Umaron Stragarelm42A HHumanoid
Vizzklick50A HHumanoid
Wrinkle Goodsteel40A HHumanoid
Yeh'kinya41A HHumanoid
Yorba Screwspigot53A HHumanoid