Welcoming the Wolf Spirit - Quests - WoW: Burning Crusade database
Quick Facts
  • Quest Level: 64
  • Requires 62 lvl
  • Side: Horde
  • Start: Malukaz
  • End: Malukaz
3.Welcoming the Wolf Spirit
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Welcoming the Wolf Spirit

Use the Ceremonial Incense near the candles in Malukaz's hut and observe the ceremony. When the ceremony is complete, speak with Malukaz again.
Terokkar Wolf Spirit slain
Ceremonial Incense
Provided Item:
Ceremonial Incense


I've nearly completed the vestments that I'll wear during the ceremony. As I add the finishing touches, I'd like you to set this incense by the candles near the runestone to my left.

I believe it will help us to attract the wolf spirit's attention, since it was made in the days of the orcish clans. I can almost imagine my ancestors using it in a ceremony paying tribute to the wolf spirit after a successful hunt.

Once you've placed the incense, I'll begin the ceremony.


You can choose one of these awards:
Helm of Lupine Cunning
Helm of Lupine Ferocity
Helm of Lupine Grace
Wolf Hunter's Guise

