Nightbane - NPCs - WoW: Burning Crusade database
Quick Facts
  • Level: ??
  • Difficulty: Boss
  • Type of creature: Undead
  • React: A H
  • Health: 1327900
  • Loot: 12 76 96.5
  • Damage: 2,507 - 5,117
  • Armor: 7,600
  • On kill: +250 Reputation with The Violet Eye until Exalted


Npc Map not available, NPC may be spawned via a script

Faint Arcane Essence1Quest100 (Quest)
Badge of Justice7070Junk100
Blazing Signet1Quest100 (Quest)
Antique Chest1Junk35(2)
Azerite Chest1Junk25(2)
Ghost Chest1Junk25(2)
Legendary Battle Chest1Junk15(2)
Panzar'Thar Breastplate11570Plate Armor8(1) x2
Scaled Breastplate of Carnage11570Mail Armor8(1) x2
Stonebough Jerkin11570Leather Armor8(1) x2
Chestguard of the Conniver11570Leather Armor8(1) x2
Robe of the Elder Scribes11570Cloth Armor8(1) x2
Talisman of Nightbane11570Misc. (Armor)8(1) x2
Nightstaff of the Everliving11570Staff8(1) x2
Shield of Impenetrable Darkness11570Shield8(1) x2
Ironstriders of Urgency11570Plate Armor8(1) x2
Emberspur Talisman11570Misc. (Armor)8(1) x2
Ferocious Swift-Kickers11570Mail Armor8(1) x2
Dragonheart Flameshield11570Shield8(1) x2
Shadowmoon Insignia14170Misc. (Armor)0.3859(3)
Furious Shackles14170Plate Armor0.2665(3)
Blessed Adamantite Bracers14170Plate Armor0.2665(3)
Deadly Cuffs14170Leather Armor0.2665(3)
Bracers of the Pathfinder14170Mail Armor0.2665(3)
Tracker's Blade14170Dagger0.2665(3)
Blood-stained Pauldrons14170Plate Armor0.2665(3)
Rejuvenating Bracers14170Leather Armor0.2665(3)
Howling Wind Bracers14170Mail Armor0.2665(3)
Cuffs of Devastation14170Cloth Armor0.2665(3)
Bracers of Martyrdom14170Cloth Armor0.2665(3)
Chronicle of Dark Secrets14170Misc. (Armor)0.2665(3)
Stillwater Boots14170Mail Armor0.2665(3)
The Unbreakable Will14170One-Handed Sword0.2665(3)
Glimmering Steel Mantle14170Plate Armor0.2665(3)
Don Alejandro's Money Belt14170Leather Armor0.2665(3)
Quickstrider Moccasins14170Mail Armor0.2665(3)
Blade of Infamy14170One-Handed Sword0.2665(3)
Bastion of Light14170Shield0.2665(3)
Pillar of Ferocity14170Staff0.2665(3)
Hatefury Mantle14170Cloth Armor0.2665(3)
Archbishop's Slippers14170Cloth Armor0.2665(3)
Enchanted Leather Sandals14170Leather Armor0.2665(3)
Golden Links of Restoration14170Mail Armor0.2665(3)
Anetheron's Noose14170Cloth Armor0.2665(3)
Kaz'rogal's Hardened Heart14170Shield0.2665(3)
Black Featherlight Boots14170Leather Armor0.2665(3)
Beast-tamer's Shoulders14170Mail Armor0.2665(3)
Sun-touched Chain Leggings14170Mail Armor0.2665(3)
Blue Suede Shoes14170Cloth Armor0.2665(3)
Angelista's Sash14170Cloth Armor0.2665(3)